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Posts posted by Ogremindes

  1. Since I can't get my leather-clad tush through the Bandit Woods without getting one-shotted by a javelin, I think I must be doing something wrong. So, any tips on getting an agent to that blow-everything-up stage? I'm guessing that 12 ranks of Battle Magic at level 4 wasn't the best way to go.


    (oh, and If you want to know why I didn't pick Guardian as my starter class, it's because I like my character to have a face.)

  2. After becoming somewhat annoyed that I could've gotten 5 levels of Cave Lore without spending skill points and with a fairly trivial prereq., I was wondering:


    a)Is there a nice, readable list of skill trainers, with locations and prereqs and such anywhere? The annotated maps has the info, but it's a pain in the donkey to get the info out.


    b)Reading a bit further in the maps I found that I could get some skill-point free points in bows, with only a few more rep points than I have now, and I figure I probably could go through the early game without an archer and pick up some bow levels once I have the rep for training. The question is: Any character-building strategies you use based around skill trainers?

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