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Posts posted by Bindou

  1. The junk bag isn't really meant to be a permanent storage space for important items: it's just meant to give you a way to carry around vendor trash until you sell it. If you've got stuff you want to hang on to that won't fit in your inventory, the best thing to do is drop it in an easily accessible area like the gates of a friendly town. You can safely leave up to 200 items on the ground per town and they'll be waiting for you whenever you come back.


    Thanks for the tip. I've been dropping my 0 gold items in towns, and I noticed they were still there when I would revisit the town, but I didn't want to risk it with value items. I'll just sell more often rather than hoarding all the rings and crystals.

  2. If you sell the contents of your junk bag, can you then put new items in it again? That'd be an easy way to test whether it's just that it's full or whether some kind of data corruption has happened.


    Thanks. I just sold the items. I got 22,500 gold from the sale, and I am able to put items in my junk bag again. The items I lost probably won't make a difference overall since I'm only playing on normal difficulty, but it still sucks!

  3. I think there is a bug with the junk bag. When I put an item in my junk bag, it disappears. I'm not sure when this started happening because I have been overwritting my old saves. I have 505 items in my junk bag. Is this the max? I don't get the message that it is full, although I did get that message once in the past.


    This really sucks considering the only stuff I've been saving are stuff with high sale value (I've been selling crude weapons and leather armor).

  4. Have you been to the Stagnant Tunnels? You can get levels in a spell from there and the regular tomes will give another. What spells you can cast sometimes shows up funny in the list.


    Actually, I just entered the Stagnant Tunnels, and it looks like I just circled around with the boat, but I haven't explored in detail since I still see black fog across most of the map. So, that's not the explanation unfortunately.


    Here is a link to pictures: http://imgur.com/vnl1u6F


    I'm just really curious, and if anyone can explain this, it would be fantastic. I'm just starting to understand the game, so I really didn't know what was going on in the beginning when I was clicking on things.

  5. Have you been to the Stagnant Tunnels? You can get levels in a spell from there and the regular tomes will give another. What spells you can cast sometimes shows up funny in the list.


    I've been skipping around so much that I had to look up the Stagnant Tunnels. According to my game map, yes, I've been there. But then my next question is: after reading the tome in the Stagnant Tunnels, why did my characters not learn all 7 spells? I have a few that aren't even level 1. Is it because I did not train level 1? If I train level 1 and go back to the tunnels to read the tome, will I get level 2 for the 7 spells? Thanks again. Sorry for being so tedious. I've only been playing a few days but already 55 hours into it.

  6. There is one tome for each spell, there is in the Stagnant Tunnels one each for the first 7 mage spells and priest spells, and one west of Fort Remote for Dispel Barrier at level 1.


    Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. Sanity is overrated anyway. :)


    Thanks, but how do you think I came to have lvl 2 in bolt of fire, cloak of curses, protection, and curing without purchasing training from a store? I'm pretty sure I haven't trained because I haven't purchased anything yet from a store (other than 1 spider fang). I've just been hoarding up to now.

  7. How many tomes are there for spells? I've read there is 1 tome that needs to be found, and spells need to be learned twice at a store to get to level 3.


    I ask this because I am currently level 22 (2 warrior, 1 mage, 1 priest), and every character in my party has a level 2 bolt of fire, cloak of curses, protection, and curing. I am 99% sure I have not made a purchase to learn a spell. How did this happen?

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