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Army Pea

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Posts posted by Army Pea

  1. I had an issue with over heating in my laptop as well.

    Turns out it was my video card fan being 85% clogged from the INSIDE!

    That's right, from the outside looking into the vent and Finns, it looked completely clean.

    It wasn't till I opened the bottom panel that I saw the total wreck of a years worth of dust.

    Cleaning took no more than 5 mins and has been running perfectly(temperature) ever since.


    Compressed air can only help so much in such compact areas. Might be time to open that bad boy up and have a look

  2. I have to admit that I am alittle ashamed for two particular reasons while im posting this.

    One is that I only recently started playing Avernum EFTP.

    The second is that I haven't even heard of this game/series/spidersoft till recently.


    I was out on a camping trip with a fellow CRPG fan and the topic obviously steered towards some of our favorite games of the genre.

    BG, BG:2, Fallout 1/2, Planescape: Torment. Typical classics.


    Then he told me about Avernum.

    Not just the single story of being thrust into an underground prison but more a overview of all the games in each series. Spidersoft's approach to indie gaming and the focus on rich story telling verse graphical bravado.


    Needless to say it was all very impressive especially in an age where "streamlined" RPG's seem to flood the market.


    In the end it was word of mouth that (finally) got me to the series and I plan to enjoy the trip.


    Figured I would say hello to the community and formally introduce myself.



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