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Posts posted by Cerberusss

  1. Some random questions on A2:CS...

    - In the Empire Archives on the 2nd floor, there's a door that requires tool use skill, difficulty 15. One of my party members has tool use 10, plus he's got tinker's gloves, which makes it 11. But this character is now level 31 -- from what I read, this stops the advancement of skills. Does this mean I'll never get that door open anymore?

    - I found a "Quickblade Plate". The high armor seems nice for my priest. However, the plate has -20% to hit chance. Does this mean that his spells will miss the mark more? Or does hit chance only influence weapon usage?

    - Talking about hit chance, how can I see the effective hit chance? Do I have to calculate it manually?

    - How can I "cure" a character that was hit with immobility? Is there a defense against it?

  2. Pretty early in the A2:CS game, I found a "woven gold band", worth 250 gold, armor +1%, +2 to Dual Wielding. Since my fighter is a dual wielder, I figured it's really useful because of (what seems to me) big penalties for dual wielding.


    But... the thing is only worth 250 gold. That doesn't seem to reflect its usefulness.


    And in the Tomb of Delrin-Bok, I just found a Lightstep Band, value 2500, armor +6%, +2 to Quick Action and +2 to Gymnastics. Is this item really much more valuable than the Woven Gold Band?

  3. In the Eastern Gallery, I've discovered the Mold Patch but the game says:


    "You reach the end of the peninsula. There is a bunch of slimy mold growing out there, but nothing else. You fail to identify the mold, but there sure is a lot of it."


    How can I identify it?


    Additional question: the highest Cave Lore in my group is 5. There is one character who has all 5 points. If I give another character some points in cave lore, do these stack up across the group?

  4. I've got a request from Eye Laria to get volunteers for the catapult field from the dungeons. I found two willing conscripts, the mopping lady and one of the prisoners in the Northern block. But Eye Laria requests more volunteers.


    Any idea where I can get them?

  5. I got the quest "Ogre of the Kva". I think I finished it, cleaning out the Hidden Ogre Lair plus using the hidden button and clean out the back of the lair. However when I come back and talk to Commander Odil, the option to claim the quest doesn't appear.


    The quest text states "bring back any rebel papers or other information", but the lair doesn't seem to contain this item.


    Any idea what went wrong?

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