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Posts posted by arielv82

  1. yay my own unique bug.


    seems like it was a corrupt save. and since i save often and don't backup older save files i lost a good 20 hours of progression.

    i suppose that on this attempt i will backup my saves.

    oh well, with knowing what to do up to a point, cheat codes and easy mode combined it should take well under 20 hours to get back to where i was.


    thanks for the replies.

  2. i was recently overcome by an urge for some oldschool rpg'ing. as a long time avernum fan i decided it's time to pick up avadon.

    up to a point everything went great.

    and then the drop \ pick up mechanics started acting up.


    at first i noticed the junk bag was filled with fake daggers titled as unused. as i failed to find a fix and didn't have a recent enough save to rollback to that didn't have this problem,

    i ploughed on and ignored it.


    but now i find myself completely unable to drop or pick up items anywhere in the avadon castle, main floor and dungeons included.


    if there is a known fix, i'd greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in its direction. otherwise, i'm open to advice.

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