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Alberio Nikola Trevellas

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Posts posted by Alberio Nikola Trevellas

  1. It's been a long time since I've gone to any gaming forums, but I've always been a big fan of Jeff's games. I think it mildly fitting, that with my first real foray into a career of the written word, that I paid homage to the works that really sparked in me the love of storytelling.


    I didn't think too heavily upon this at the time, but when I began to work on story below, I decided that Lynaeus was a fitting name to give the main character. It turns out that Avadon, the first of which was either in the works our out (I can't recall which it was), was set in a land by that name.


    Also there is mention and some planned exposition on a fungal illness of sorts. I am unsure as to where that came from, but I vaguely recall something in the Geneforge series that might have been my inspiration.


    Could anyone offer an answer as to what Geneforge (or other Spiderweb) game might have had something to do with a person being eaten inside out by fungus?


    I personally find it very neat to go back to the places of inspiration for something and make sure that what credit there is to give, is given, specially when due.




    Anywhoos, I'm quite happy to be a member of these forums finally and looking forward to Avadon 3 (not so stoked though about another Avernum remake) and expect great things. I love how long Spiderweb has been in business. :) I'll take storytelling over fancy graphics and big names any day.

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