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Posts posted by potznorton

  1. Stillness wrote:

    A quote from Behe:


    " In Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution I coined the term “irreducible complexity” in order to point out an apparent problem for the Darwinian evolution of some biochemical and cellular systems. In brief, an irreducibly complex system is one that needs several well-matched parts, all working together, to perform its function. The reason that such systems are headaches for Darwinism is that it is a gradualistic theory, wherein improvements can only be made step by tiny step, with no thought for their future utility. I argued that a number of biochemical systems, such as the blood clotting cascade, intracellular transport system, and bacterial flagellum are irreducibly complex and therefore recalcitrant to gradual construction, and so they fit poorly within a Darwinian framework. Instead I argued they are best explained as the products of deliberate intelligent design." [emphasis mine]

    Behe's numbers have been thoroughly discredited. His "irreducible complexity" relied on very flawed assumptions, an assumption of point mutations only, ignoring the many other types of mutation that are well known to occur.


    His biochemistry may be acceptable (he hasn't done much for a long time, however), but his grasp of genetics is deeply flawed.

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