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Posts posted by Newtfeet

  1. So the directory structure looks like:


    BoA.exe (what's the name, any idea)?

    100 [directory]

    --1 [directory]

    ----1033.bmp [the graphic #1]

    ----1033.dat [the sound #1]

    --2 [directory]

    ----1033.bmp [the graphic #2]

    ----1033.dat [the sound #2]

    --3 [directory]

    ----Similar to 1 and 2

    --And so on...


    Or am I understanding it wrong?

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Arancaytar:
    That should finally give designers the opportunity to include 'pay per HP' healers... smile Unless the call for restoring HP does not allow for a specific number of HP, which would seem irrational, but not unlikely (can't be bothered to read through the docs again. is it?)
    Yes, you can restore a certain amount of health.
    Originally written by Arancaytar:
    In any case, it'll be possible to make destoning, resurrecting or reviving (for stoned, dust, or dead PCs respectively) separate services that vary in price (unless I'm a fool and that was in Avernum 1-3 all along).
    Possible, yes, but not intuitive. You can't make dialogue or dialog boxes display a number as part of a string, which makes it harder.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Eldiran:
    That sounds freakin' awesome. I'd pay slightly more than 12 cents for that. Of course, then it would be out of my budget range...
    That's why I'm planning for it to be free. There's no reason to pay anything for it.

    Of course, that requires that I actually can finish it. And for me to finish it, I need people to respond to what I said eariler (about what data format the Windows version of BoA uses).
  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Eldiran:
    I also set another monster to drop a crude kinfe 100% of the time, and a Bronze Longsword 50% of the time. The documents say that the monster will only carry one weapon, the last one it is given. The monster, when killed, dropped neither, even though the knife had a 100% chance. I was hoping that half the time he would have a longsword, the other half he would have a knife. But he had neither.
    I would imagine the two items are not dependent on each other. In other words, in that scenario above the monster would always drop a knife and have a 50% chance of also dropping a bronze longsword. It's beyond me why they didn't drop, though...
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by ef:
    I'd be grateful and happy, if such a program existed.
    I would also be if I stopped double-posting. (sigh)

    Let me review... This program would switch out data files in the Blades of Avernum Data folder and then start BoA. When BoA quits, the files would go back to their original positions.

    Hmm... I could also make it entirely self-contained. That is, it also stores the scenario and puts it in the folder when it starts. So you can't run it if the data files aren't correct. Sound good?

    Edit: Actually, the only files we need to switch are sounds, art and character graphics. All the rest can be modified per scenario, right?

    I can also have it temporality remove other scenarios from the scenario folder, so you can't run them with messed up art and sounds. I could also let this add more then one scenario, in case you wanted to make a series with the same data files.

    Edit 2: I need to know how the Windows version of BoA stores its files. I can't do anything without that... I also need someone to actually compile this program for Windows (REALbasic again).
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Walker White:
    It's more than not just public; it is not in the scripting language. He has functions in his engine for doing it. Those are C++ calls. The way scripts work, however, is part of the engine reads in the script text file (the thing doing the reader is called the interpreter) and converts it to C++ calls. If the interpreter does not know to translate calls about item variety into the existing C++ calls, then you can never use them in a script, whether you know their name or not.
    I think that's what spyderbytes meant. "Public" means about the same thing as "known by the interpreter".

    Oh, and I'm glad I finally got those custom objects straightened out.
  7. Ok, so let me set this all out.


    clear: Obvious. Sets all the values for the object currently being edited to their defaults.

    property = new_value: Also obvious. Sets the value "property" to "new_value" for the object currently being edited.

    import = which_object: Replaces all the values for the object currently being edited to the values for "which_object". If "which_object" was already edited in this same script, it imports that. If it hasn't been, it imports from the core data.

    begindefine{object} which_object: Sets the object currently being edited to "which_object". Copies the data from the object that was edited before this statement over the data of "which_object".


    Is that right?


    Oh, and spyderbytes: It's not that hard; just use this. It should work.

    // Breadbegindefineitem 498;     import = 4;begindefineitem 4;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;// Mushroomsbegindefineitem 498;     import = 5;begindefineitem 5;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;// Greensbegindefineitem 498;     import = 6;begindefineitem 6;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;// Steakbegindefineitem 498;     import = 7;begindefineitem 7;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;// Dried Meatbegindefineitem 498;     import = 8;begindefineitem 8;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;// Wierd Meatbegindefineitem 498;     import = 9;begindefineitem 9;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;// Lizard Haunchbegindefineitem 498;     import = 10;begindefineitem 10;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;// Fishbegindefineitem 498;     import = 11;begindefineitem 11;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;// Deli Sandwichbegindefineitem 498;     import = 12;begindefineitem 12;     import = 498;     it_special_class = 0;
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