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Posts posted by Oathkeeper

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Desert Plah:
    You could do it so that it creates a new monster when it dies, an encounter perhaps to add talk. And you could clean up any blood or mess left.

    Of course, I'm thinking in BoE terms, because…*sniff*…I use a PC. Anyway, that's the simple way to do it. You'd have to lower it's max health, though.
    Wouldn't that play the death animation, so it woulf fall/evaporate/dissolve/whatever one second and the next it would be standing/alt. laying (using alt. graphics).
  2. I figured that much, yeah, but I didn't get it to work... Oh well, thanks anyway Drakey, I'll keep experimenting.


    EDIT: Ok, so it works. Well, works as in worked twice, didn't work the rest of the {insert large number here} times I tried it. Howcome, when I ask it to divide (using an if statment and the current health call before) x with 4 (x being the max health) that it only turns neutral when the health is 0 (or at least, when the health bar is fully red.) ?

    Furthermore, can I prevent the monster from being killed? Like stoping the party member, friendly npc, whatever from reducing the monsters health to negativ?

  3. Quote:
    Originally posted by Lpoo:
    Sorry i did not know what the "edit message" botton ment...sheeze I'm a newbie k? *Lpoo blushes*
    It's allright Lpoo, we all are newbies at some time, but now you have learned the awsome power of editing. Use editing to avoid being called a spammer. *back to topic* Well, maybe it was just a pemporery problem, but Lpoo's Idea of re-downloading it might be worth trying if you experience problems again. But I don't think you need to delet the save files if you don't want to.
  4. Lpoo there is a edit message buttom for a reason........ Oh and, I am playing the demo too, but I am using Mac os 9.2 , it is probably a memory problem. Is it a laptop or a "normal" comp that you are using?

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