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My name, usually something that sounds appropriately fantasy-like to me.


However, I usually name all my creations and stick with the names throughout the game. My original Fyora is Fyona, and by the time I get to drayks, I'm usually at Fyona IV or V. Same for battle (Usually Thug) and Magic (No set name here).

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Naming creations is the first step towards treating them like valuable individuals instead of resources.


—Alorael, who rarely names his creations unless they do something to stand out. If they do, they'll either get a descriptive name or a ridiculous name. He's had many scaly fire creations named "fluffy," vlishes and gazers named things like "Cutie-Pie" and rots and tralls with names that he finds particularly incongruous, like Reginald, Geoffrey, and Herbert.

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I've had several different naming themes. The last (stalled) runthrough of G4 had a pair of cryoas named Avalanche and Blizzard, a pair of vlish named Delicious and Nutritious, and a pair of wingbolts named Wingnut and Wingding.


Everyone in my current run just have generic (American) boy names, starting with a Shaper named Fred and going alphabetically: George, Harry, Ike, and so on.


Dikiyoba isn't really sure what will happen when Dikiyoba reaches letters like Q and X, though.

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  • 1 month later...

I name all my characters Adrian (my real name). I rarely name creations. Last named creations were: Xenon(Cryoa); Alpha(Battle Alpha).


Dikiyoba isn't really sure what will happen when Dikiyoba reaches letters like Q and X, though.

Altair thinks this will help Dikiyoba:




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