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Boiling Mudpits - SPOILER - Hidden Room


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Did anyone else find the hidden room in the Boiling Mudpits? The control is a spore box behind a pillar in the northernmost passageway just east of the electrified field and north of the three mines, It opens a concealed door to a small room with a living tool, healing spores, and venom thorns.


Edit - correct last item

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That sound was the same as the normal door opening sound. Secret doors are satisfying, but to run into walls for 15 minutes with the stubborn belief that what you desperately need to find is behind one when the answer is actually elsewhere is pretty silly. Almost as silly as spending time in MMORPGs improving your lumberjacking skills.

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It became habitual, though, and there were ways to tell where you needed to look and where you didn't. (This was not the case in BoE where designers put secret doors in bizarre places and nonsensical terrain habitually, but through E3 this was true.) You could do it in the course of a modified directional mash, as in 898989898.

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I could usually guess in Exile and Avernum where a hidden room would lie by looking at the automap. Geneforge 4 is the first game where I'm really wondering how much I missed in previous characters. I checked back with an early beta to see that the room was there all along and I walked past the control at least 8 times.


This game has more obscured bodies, chests, piles of sacks, and levers than any other game Jeff has made, Almost every run through I pick up another one.

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Originally by Randomizer:


I could usually guess in Exile and Avernum where a hidden room would lie by looking at the automap.
And there was always the Magic Map/Far Sight spell if that failed.


Maybe the real reason so many Shapers and rebels are insane is from all the times they can't find where a lever or their stash of loot is.



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Too bad most of Avernum takes place in caves, thus forcing you to check every wall. Then there are the places that look like they'll have a secret but done. Was it Angel's Rest that had that annoying "pillar of rock" in the middle of it? I checked for secrets on that thing, like, five times.

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