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Regulation - Common Descent

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Per Student of Trinity's request a separate topic to discuss common descent is now here.


For those of you that missed it, the Science abstract about finding Tyranosaurus Rex proteins and a related article that the protein is closest to chicken.


While this doesn't show that chickens are descended from T rexs, it is the first genetic proof that they have a common ancestor.

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I'm not sure it's exactly proof that they have a common ancestor, but it would seem to be a proof, given evolution by common descent, that the modern species whose common ancestor with tyrannosaurs was most recent is the chicken.


There is additional support for common descent here, although I wouldn't say it goes as far as proof. Tyrannosaur and chicken proteins are apparently more similar to each other, than chicken proteins are to the proteins of many other modern species. This is the sort of thing one would predict readily from common descent evolution, but it is otherwise a highly improbable coincidence. So, more Bayesian empirical support.

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