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Script stuff HELP PLEASE

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I do. This took a long time to figure out.


0 = strength

1 = dexterity

2 = intelligence

3 = endurance

4 = melee weapons

5 = missle weapons

6 = quick action

7 = parry

8 = creation armor (only works as it_pet_stats_to_affect = 8;)

9 = battle magic

10 = mental magic

11 = blessing magic

12 = spellcraft

15 = fire shaping

16 = battle shaping

17 = magic shaping

18 = healing craft

20 = leadership

21 = mechanics

22 = luck


100 = (I'm not sure how this works) set off spore mine;

100, stat addition 1 = blue, 2 = green, 3 = red


200 = melee damage protection

201 = action points

202 = chance to hit; multiplied by 5

203 = levels damage in combat

204 = hostile effect resistance

205 = energy resistance

206 = fire resistance

207 = poison resistance

208 = acid resistance

210 = mind effect resistance

211 = stun resistance

212 = cold resistance

213 = damage shield

214 = energy preservation

215 = stealth

216 = radiance (undead bane)

217 = vampiric touch


Let me know if anything is wrong, or you fill in any gaps.

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oopsie, k here is my list, tell me if there is any mistakes








Quick Action-6


Battle Magic-9

Mental Magic-10

Blessing Magic-11


Fire Shaping-15

Battle Shaping-16

Magic Shaping-17

Healing Craft-18






Burning spray-41


Ice spray-43

Lighting aura-44

Essence orbs-45

Acid Shower-46


Essence Lances-48

Aura of flames-49


War blessing-60


Essence shield-62


Spine Shield-64

Mass Energize-65

Steel Shield-66

Essence armor-67

Elemental cloak-68

Battle roar-69



Mental Barrier-51





Essence shackles-56

Strong daze-57


Mass Madness-59


Minor heal-70

Cure Affliction-71




Group heal-75

Banish Affliction-76

Major Heal-77

Aura of cleansing-78

Mass restore-79


Create Fyora 80

Create Roamer 81

Create Drayk- 82

Create Kyshakk- 83

Create Drakon- 84

Create Thahd- 85

Create Clawbug- 86

Create Battle Alpha- 87

Create Rotghroth- 89

Create War trall- 90

Create Artila- 91

Create Vlish- 92

Create Glaahk-93

Create Wingbolt- 94

Create Gazer- 95

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oops there was a problem wiht the creations, here's the redone creation list


Create Fyora 80

Create Roamer 81

Create Drayk- 82

Create Kyshakk- 83

Create Drakon- 84

Create Thahd- 85

Create Clawbug- 86

Create Battle Alpha- 87

Create Rotghroth- 88

Create War trall- 89

Create Artila- 90

Create Vlish- 91

Create Glaahk-92

Create Wingbolt- 93

Create Gazer- 94

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Yes. Even if there were more (and the list looks fairly complete), almost all of the gap would just be unused. You don't think that in a building with room numbers, each floor has a hundred rooms? wink


Edit: Please insert linebreaks into your signature. It completely breaks the page.

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Go to a hotel or motel (with multiple floors, obviously) and look at the room numbers. Usually, the first floor has room numbers like 100, 101, etc., the second floor has room numbers like 200, 201, etc, and the third floor has room numbers like 300, 301, etc. That doesn't mean each floor has 100 rooms. You probably won't find a room called 199, or 287, or 392. The highest you may get is 140, 240, 340, or something like that. The same idea applies to the gap between 100 and 200 (or whatever it is) in your abilities list. So if you can find something that works, great. If not, there's probably no ability there.



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Alright. When you open the file for a conversation, it will say


begintalknode 1;

state = -1;

nextstate = -1;

condition = (whatever is here I don't understand it, I wouldn't mess with it)

question = (if it says special I think it means it affects what people think of you, not sure)

text1 = "blah blah ( to instert quotation marks use the underscore key) this is what you read.


begintalknode x; is the text page you read

nextstate = x; leads to the nodes that have a state of "x"

Also if you make a new node make sure the node number you use isn't being used already.


That's all I can really think of right now. Also I'm not very good at changing stats, or giving items through talking. but I can send you the editor, you could probably learn more from it than me.

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Arrrgh. Could we not have the exact same conversation going in two different threads? It gets confusing. My post on editors here .


Originally by The Ratt:


question = (if it says special I think it means it affects what people think of you, not sure)
Um, no. The question line is one of your options you see when you are talking to someone (for example, "Can I sell stuff here?" or "I've completed this quest for you.") I'm guessing "special" means that it's a dialog box that comes up when you aren't talking to anyone (like when you are reading a sign), but I haven't checked it for sure.



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ok, i'll try, ratt what peeps think off you is the rep thing. Check out the conversation u have in rivergate keep with the farsight shaper to see it. Dikiyoba, yes we have the same convo in 2 places. found more abilities:


Strong Blessing- 229

Stability- 228

Spines- 227

Speed- 226

Magic essence- 225

Curse Power- 224

Acid Infusion- 223

Cold Essence- 222

Fire essence- 221

Blessing- 220

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lifecrafter will also post this convo on the other one, and lifecrafter think that if they were dkiyobites, they would be many deadly dikiyoba's in muffin form confusing people by refering to themselves in third person. Lifecrafter does not like this scenario and will shape whatever is necesary to stop it

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