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I would just like to say hello to the lurkers and registered users. I have been lurking in the forums since I first discovered Avernum III and Geneforge I a few years back.


I would like to make a few comments on the new Geneforge game. I ran through the demo in one evening and a day and I really like how the game is going. I am hoping to buy this game for my birthday in June. I really like the new graphics, especially the new look of Battle Alphas. I like how they expanded the differant classes, although I always lean towards the powerful shaper. I like the fact that you are only encumbered by what you are wearing. I have been picking up every item I could find, so that I could buy a few levels of creations, to be able to craft stronger creatures. I like that you can attack even if you only have one movement point left. So to recap, Geneforge IV=awesome. Graphics=good. Classes=good. Inventory=good. Battles=great.

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