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Keeping items

Mea Tulpa

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Most of the items that were collection quests from previous games aren't needed this time. You still need the creations parts for recipes and the gemstones and the red crystals with wiry moss and saltweed for other forged items.


I found that my money problems went away in Chapter 4 when the first time through I finally decided to start selling almost everything.

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I'm in the middle of chapter 2 and have about 7500 gold on hand. That's after spending 5000 on Spellcraft and another chunk of change on a selection of spells. Granted, I haven't bought any creations, but those wouldn't cost too much.


I'm sure stuff gets more expensive, but I find it hard to believe there's going to be the massive financial crunch people have been commenting on.

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The earlier betas didn't have enough money or living tools to be had, so Jeff bumped both up. Now I think there are too many living tools, and about the right amount or a bit more than needed for money, especially if you sell off things you aren't going to use, including the older magical gear that has been replaced by something better.


Depending on which class I play, I've wound up with up to $20K gold in excess at some point in the game, including the end once. As a Mental Servile (heh) in my present game, I had about 15K gold going into chapter three, and promptly spent it all in the rebel and shaper camps on magic and shaping. If you are a class that does very little with magic, you will have a lot more money for shaping and other stuff.


I store my anvil goods at the mouth of Sandros mine for the first half of the game, and all other goods I store at the mouth of Southforge, then another friendly town later in the game.


I almost never use wands and find my attack crystals no longer effective long before I use them up, so wind up selling a few dozen ice crystals or spray crystals at some point into the game. There is no anvil use for shaped blades or shaped shields, nor puresteel weapons and armor.


All I buy is living tools, some essence pods (of which I usually have many on hand,) some rare anvil ingredients, and the Runed Amethyst from Uchitelle so I can acidify my steel sword as soon as possible. I never make wands, attack crystals, or rings, except maybe a madness gem or two near the end of the game. This means there are many anvil ingredients I never need and just sell as I get them, like saltweed, wiry moss, etc.


I have been making lists of where special items and ingredients are found and will post them. Have look at my anvil recipes list elsewhere here if you want to know what you will ultimately want to have on hand or not for making things. Your first time through, it's probably more fun to find out as you go though. I make my lists to be useful for replaying the game for optimization.



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Icy crystals are great against wingbolts if you have the dexterity and missle weapons since they do full damage and will kill one in 2 or 3 shots. They also will usually kill a vlish.


Spray crystals are pretty useless after chapter 2. Swarm crystals are better and torrent gems (aura of flames) are great. I save madness gems for when I want to convert many creations to my side and don't have mass madness yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate the fact that you can't make all eight of the artifacts. So, really, you don't even need to keep all the artifact ingredients either. It would be one thing if you had to choose between two cloaks or two belts, but you have to choose between boots or belts! How am I supposed to choose between going barefoot or having my leggings of the tyrant fall down?

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  • 1 month later...

As the new guy in town, I thought I would put my 2 coins worth in here...

I like the fact that merchants do not have a limited cash supply as in previous Geneforge versions. I can go back to the same stores again and again selling off my loot. I have a couple of nice treasure troves built up in the South Citadel and at the north edge of the Eastern Rise so that I can easily dump any items I find. I have cleaned out expendable items a few times so that I can buy spells and magic. I do wonder why I carry around so much stuff in my backpack however. I can never decide what items will be best on hand, excluding the charms. I am also holding on to many of the ingredients for the anvil but am thinking I should sell a few of those, too. But which ones? That is always the dilemma for me!

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Most of the anvil ingredients to improve items aren't worth it. Save golden crystals and steel spines since they always help. Blessing crystals are okay for the beginning half of the game to increase damage although you could also used a runed ruby or amethyst for fire or acid bonus damage. I usually sell off most of the others since cold isn't that helpful.


For heavy spell users save madness gems, rotgroth fangs, and glaahk eyes for mental focus charms.


It really depends upon what you use when playing. Most of the time you don't need gemstones since most players don't use icy crystals. If you don't plan to use it later than sell it since you can buy most of them later on in the game.

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WOW all this talking is making me get impatient for the window's version of geneforge 4



Edit: Dikiyoba had no idea what this post originally looked like, but it was stretching the page unbearably.

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