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eyebeast road help!

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help the infiltrators quest? I thought i had a kill the 5 infiltrators quest?! hmmmm. guess i can't cross that bridge then, huh? because i don't think i helped refugees get out of the swamp... maybe they attacked me first, but i'm pretty sure i killed them.


frown I absolutely hate areas i can't get into! makes me want to start over.



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Originally written by Lennyhipp3:
help the infiltrators quest? I thought i had a kill the 5 infiltrators quest?!
If you're going pro-Shaper you get a quest from someone in Poryphra Ruins to help the infiltrators instead of killing them. (Or you can help them and then kill them to get both rewards.)

hmmmm. guess i can't cross that bridge then, huh? because i don't think i helped refugees get out of the swamp... maybe they attacked me first, but i'm pretty sure i killed them.
There was one group in Shaper Camp Gamma and another in Aziraph Rebel Camp. If you've been going pro-rebel the whole game you wouldn't have been able to reunite both groups and get them out.
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It sounds like you might be playing a pro-Rebel game, and if you have been doing so consistently enough, you will not have been able to get into Shaper Camp Gamma in the fens, and will not have been able to help the refugees there.


You have to skirt the fence or play two games with different loyalties to go evertwhere in this game. G4 is worth a second game though, doncha think?


But I'm with you—I hate missing anything in a game too. I missed a good number of things in my first game, one reason being because of all the door-opening levers Jeff hid behind pillars.



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There was one group in Shaper Camp Gamma and another in Aziraph Rebel Camp. If you've been going pro-rebel the whole game you wouldn't have been able to reunite both groups and get them out.
i thought i was playing both sides of the fence pretty good, but i admit, i've been a little more loyal to the rebellion because i think the shapers are so strong, i really wanted a challenge at the end. (i'm assuming there's gonna be a big battle down the road?)

My problem was i didn't realize there was a Camp Gamma until well into the 4th level of the game! I just completely missed it after completing the 3rd level... I went back trying to locate any shops that might have shaping tools for sale and that's when i discovered a whole area i completely missed! By the time i finally entered Camp Gamma, everyone just attacked me, and they were disgustingly easy to wipe out by this point (having cleared about 80% of the 4th level).

I gotta admit, I'm not doing the best job at playing both sides... my philosophy has been: 1)leave the shops alone since i need to sell the items i find. 2) kill everything elsle!

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You have to skirt the fence or play two games with different loyalties to go evertwhere in this game. G4 is worth a second game though, doncha think?
Agreed. I love the Infiltrator walk through. As soon as i'm done (and at this rate it will be another 3 weeks since i only play on the weekends) I will restart as a different character and max out my spellcraft and mechanics early on... basically following the Infiltrator walk through.

thanks guys!

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You can't kill Alwan until chapter 5.
Not so my friend! (at least i THINK i'm still in chapter 4.) 2 areas east of where Litalia;s quarters are: Alwan is in the middle and runs away when you approach... I stationed two rothgoths at the eastern edge of and chased him down and managed to kill him before he left.

Of course... maybe i AM in chapter 5.

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During the beta testing, I pointed out to Jeff that I had killed Alwan, Miranda, and all the shapers in Poryphra Ruins, but then they showed up again, quite alive, later in the game. He explained that they are supposed to be unkillable. After that, they became much harder to kill. They are not, however, impossible to kill. I should go try it with my Infiltrator again now, come to think of it.


I find it unlikely Alwan is beatable in Rivergate Keep, however. Maybe a Lifecrafter with a horde of cryoas could manage it. Has anyone ever done it?



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Originally written by Synergy:
During the beta testing, I pointed out to Jeff that I had killed Alwan, Miranda, and all the shapers in Poryphra Ruins, but then they showed up again, quite alive, later in the game. He explained that they are supposed to be unkillable. After that, they became much harder to kill. They are not, however, impossible to kill.
Actually, he did make them unkillable. They run away once you get them down to 1 HP.
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but that's what i'm saying... i prevented him from running away! Although i suppose i'm confusing Alwan with someone else... several of the characters look EXACTLY like Alwan.


Then again there's a shaper in blue robes as soon as you enter the fourth chapter (i think it's 4 and not 3) and he's strutting around pretty much saying "i won't kill you now, but i'll be watching you!" and so I said "screw it, i'll try killing him now if he's threatening me!" and he puts up a good fight but when he gets real low, he runs, (and runs fast) and escapes to the north. Well it took me about six times and 2-3 of those tries he is down to less than 10HP before he escapes, but then i got smart and after whittling him down, and just before he runs, i sent 2 drayks to the N edge of the screen and waited for him there.


Killed him too... just like i'm 90% sure i killed Alwan. That was about a week ago, so i'm not sure i have my game saved anymore, but i can try and check.



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Originally written by Lennyhipp3:
but that's what i'm saying... i prevented him from running away! Although i suppose i'm confusing Alwan with someone else... several of the characters look EXACTLY like Alwan.
Yeah, Guardian Koerner looks exactly like Alwan. He's probably who you killed.

I know that it's possible to kill Shaper Grim, but that's because he doesn't show up anywhere else.
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UPDATE: As many of you already guessed... It wasn't Alwan that I killed. I remember during this epic battle in P. Ruins that a "general Alwan" was making creations... then at the end, the toughest of the S.O.B.s ran away and I thought i finally managed to kill him... Not the case. I didn't have the game saved any more, so I re-loaded an older game and it took me about 2 hours to confront this "Alwan" again just to prove to myself i wasn't imagining things.


Turns out it was Agent Miranda! And, I'm also certain now that I DIDNT kill her either! I know i got her down to below 10HP and then hit her with a Drayk... never noticed she must have slipped off the screen. I know this now because last night i played the area 4 or 5 times trying different things. You can see here how I blocked the doorway so she couldn't escape... but she eventually cast FEAR and managed to break through:


Then I tried a different technique, after getting her down below 20HPs, i surrounded her so she couldn't run, and tried biting her to death... Guess what? She must have been using Sarsparilla's editor herself because she didn't even cast a spell of regeneration or healing and her HP STILL jumped 100points! I never knew a character besides yourself that ate pods during battle! smile




So yeah, I couldn't kill her either. Alwan and Miranda =2, Lenny =0!



The other shaper in the blue robes that i was talking about was shaper Horis. He wanted to run away, but after a few re-tries i managed to kill him before he managed to get off screen!

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