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Name Cameos in Jeff's Games

Mea Tulpa

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Originally Posted By: Sss-Chah
according to a lot of people, a good way to not get a really big job is forgetting to untag yourself in embarrassing facebook pictures.

Slashdot ran a piece on employers advising their HR department to stop doing that to avoid discrimination lawsuits. So in the (rather ironically, but this board is curse-free) censored words of Randall Munroe, "be lovingly intimate with that natural fertilizer".
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  • 1 month later...

I just realized that E3's Unspecified Services may take its name from the Office of Unspecified Services in Infinite Jest. There's a gap of a little bit less than a year between the book's publishing and the game's release, which puts the games development at the perfect time for Jeff to read and be taken with the novel.


—Alorael, who supposes a lessening of appreciation for the book over the years between E3 and A3 could also account for the agency's unfortunate name change.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...
A6 referencesplz

Sorry. Would if I had any, but I don't.

These aren't really cameos, but it's still something on names, so I think it's alright. During a playthrough of G1, I noticed that a couple of names have meanings in Russian (or maybe another Eastern European language). Two that I remember are the servant mind in the Abandoned School whose name was Povralus, and a Sholai in the Refugee cave whose name was Solyniy(sp?) In Russian, Povralus could translate into "the liar" (a shame that he actually tells the truth) and Solyniy would pretty literally mean salted, or salty (covered in salt). I got a laugh when I read a dialogue that went something like "he points to himself and says "Solyniy" ".
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  • 2 weeks later...

Correct, or almost! Nice catch. Brent Heustess was a G1 betatester. He's worked in Texas for years, it seems, so not a work buddy. But he was also active on Usenet throughout the 90's, which might be his original connection to Jeff. Among other things, he appears to be an expert on Cthulhu as well as the person who suggested putting Sylak items into Avernum... which makes him the godfather of Xian Skull.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

I registered an account just to resurrect this thread - in Avernum 6, the team of Raiders sent to help you reopen Fort Draco are named after characters from the TV show Mad Men, but with subtle spelling changes:


Raider Rumson - Freddy Rumsen

Raider Halloway - Joan Holloway

Raider Stirling - Roger Sterling

Raider Olssson - Peggy Olson (my favorite)


Additionally, I played through Avadon as a Shadowwalker named Omar after the character from the TV show The Wire, and, in an incredible moment of synchronicity that blew me away, in the endgame, Miranda paraphrases one of Omar's most famous quotes in an amazingly relevant way.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 6 months later...

Hello, just de-lurking to note a reference I don't see on the list. There's an area in Geneforge 2 with a servile named Manny and a Shaper named Bernard. Bernard and Manny are the main characters of the show Black Books (http://en.wikipedia....iki/Black_books). Jeff seems to have a love of British comedies.


Haha, excellent catch!


...now I want to rewatch Black Books.

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  • 7 months later...

So apparently this was linked on a reddit AMA. Maybe we should update it for the first time in 4 years? I know there are a few recent post-updates missing from the list, I'll add those in with the other new stuff. I need to go through the last 3 games at some point, but any contributions from others are welcome too.


I guess I also need to start specifying if a name is new to the new set of Avernum games, too.

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