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Powergaming Sects - How To (Spoilers!)[G5]

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Thanks to the magic of not having a job, and a girlfriend who is also hooked on Geneforge, I have now confirmed answers to my questions.


Question 1: Is there a way to get/complete all non-faction quests?


Answer: Definitely. With High Leadership and a middling reputation, you can do all the non-faction quests. Just grab all from one side, switch reputation with opinions and quests and grab the other. Just remember to finish all the quests in a town before pissing off that town (say, by leaving their faction. For example, I never got rewarded for killing Bennhold frown )


Question 2: Can you join/leave all factions? (in a way that is profitable?)


Answer: YES! And you get access to ALL the faction-only areas (including all repository keys)


The correct order is:


1) Do all the Rawal Quests up to the last one (Kill Platano)


2)Join Taygen, do everything up and including "Complete the Agent"


3) Join Alwan, do everything up to and including "The Purity Agent"


- Here is where you switch reputation to rebels. you did save convo options and rep quests, right?


4) Join the Trakovites, do everything up to and including "The Purity Agent"


5) Join Astoria, do everything up to and including "The Purity Agent"


6) Join Rebels, and destroy all Shapers and Trakovites!


I definitely recommend doing a run-through of this, its very fun!



note: The Almighty JV added some cheat codes relating to the shredbugs, so that you can undo the damage you did there, making it possible to do quests that would otherwise be ruined.

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You can use the two NPCs to bump your reputation, but it won't completely change it. You can cleverly manipulate reputation to get a lot of quests, but I haven't gone through the numbers to see how well you can balance both sides.


I believe it's not possible to leave and join a faction more than once, but I'm only getting this from hearsay.


—Alorael, who definitely thinks the game makes it harder to play all sides than G4 did. Many of the faction quests are mutually exclusive.

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The reputation required by each of the sects is MUCH less extreme than in past games. Leadership can further tilt the balance. So, it should be extremely easy to join each sect in succession, provided you do the two Shaper reputation sects (Alwan + Taygen) either first or last.

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You can do Alwan quests up to the Purity Agent and then join Taygen's faction without any consequences besides Alwan won't help you and you can't return to Alwan's factions.


You can do all of Rawal's quests as long as you don't want to join Taygen. Kill Platano blocks joining Taygen.


You can do Ghaldring's quests up to the swearing in and doing the Four Shapers quest and easily switch to Astoria's faction. You probably can do Astoria's faction quests and then switch to Ghaldring's faction.


The Trakovite faction quests after you swear to join will block you from joining Alwan and Taygen factions. I'm not sure about blocking Astoria's faction.


Doing the Four Shapers quest for Ghaldring blocks joining any other faction.

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So it sounds like you should be able to do Alwan then Taygen. Then, if you've carefully saved up pro-rebel conversation options and quests, you might be able to go back for Astoria and the Trakovites, then finally kill everyone for Ghaldring. I haven't done the numbers, and I don't think I have any saves from which I could conveniently try this, but it seems at least possible.

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Originally Posted By: othersean
So it sounds like you should be able to do Alwan then Taygen. Then, if you've carefully saved up pro-rebel conversation options and quests, you might be able to go back for Astoria and the Trakovites, then finally kill everyone for Ghaldring. I haven't done the numbers, and I don't think I have any saves from which I could conveniently try this, but it seems at least possible.

Cool, I will definitely try this, when i get a chance. I'll save as many convo options as i can for the switch to rebels.
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I was able to do just about every non-essential quest and every faction quest that doesn't require you to swear to a faction right up until the choice between destroying the creation camp for Taygen or saving the rebels for whatever her name is - at that point there isn't any reason to really avoid a faction, as the game is basically over.


My one piece of advice is get the quests for one side first, then you can go to the other side. For example, there is a rebel who wants to buy Shaper research books from you for 75 gp a pop. Problem is, if you are too loyal to the Shapers, you'll never get the quest. The trick is to be friendly enough with the Rebels to actually get the quest - once you have it, you can go back to being pro-Shaper and he'll always buy the research from you, regardless if you've killed a hundred rebels. Once you have the quest on the books, no future action (that I could come up with, anyway) will take it away or prevent you from getting the reward.


If you are smart and think before rushing off to complete a quest, you can pretty much do every non-faction quest, including Rebel and Shaper ones.

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Originally Posted By: Fringy MacGee
2) Join Alwan, do everything up to the last Quest (The Purity Agent)

This seems suboptimal. Why not the following?
(whenever you're told to go to the Shaper Citadel, you've accepted one too many):
2) Join Taygen and do all his quests.
3) Join Alwan and release the Purity Agent (no, it won't kill every creation even though it's supposedly completed. Taygen must be incompetent), doing all his quests.
4) Join the Trakovites, do all their quests and note that you can _still_ go to the Citadel with Alwan if you want to.
5) Join Astoria (this is as far as I've tested).
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I don't get it. I mean, I believe you are right about doing all of Taygen's quests first, since completing the agent probably won't screw anything up, but Alwan's quest is to destroy the agent, Then the trakovite quest is to sabotage (release) the agent. Then astoria's quest is to destroy it again.


I didn't think to try destroying, releasing, then destroying the agent. is this possible?

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Originally Posted By: Vempele
Originally Posted By: Fringy MacGee
I didn't think to try destroying, releasing, then destroying the agent. is this possible?

Just releasing it accomplishes all three. Just like you don't have to visit the Shadow Road several times to find it for everyone.

Nice! I'll update my original post then. Thanks.
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Originally Posted By: Slarty
Wait -- it *accomplishes* all three quests


Releasing the Purity Agent does the following:

sf(100,21,1); // Litalia checks for this
sf(77,29,0); // the others check for this
sf(100,4,3); // equivalent to joining and leaving Taygen

Destroying it:

sf(100,17,1); // Litalia's failure condition

because some are completed and some are removed?

I actually did it *before* getting any of the quests. I completed them without exiting the conversations.

Edit: Uberdhizon, you want 'Energize Essence'. Killing Agent Caluma seems to fail (I only tried it before leaving Taygen, though).

Oh, and you'll end up with a severe case of instant death if you aren't prepared...
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The safety control to keep the doors open is to the southwest in the corridor ring about the chamber. Just disable it so the doors stay open.


Also have shield and all your other protection buffs up because you take lots of poison damage. I lost my two glaahks to it.

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Originally Posted By: Uberdhizon
Rotdhizons plural?? How do I get enough essence?
Perhaps I should go with Rotghroths instead... finally have that army I've fantasized about...
or maybe an army of rotdhizons!

Oh, yeah. The essence.

Edit: I didn't even need to fight anyone. It was easy. Thanks.

Not enough INT? I have 5 Rothzidons with me tongue
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