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My PC keeps getting swarmed by pests. I deduced long ago that enemies are most likely to attack the character that attacked them most recently. Usually when my guy is getting double-teamed I'll attack them one by one with my Kyshakk so they attack it instead. This, unfortunately, does not work when he's surrounded on all sides. Is there a creation who can attract enemies away from my PC and attack it? A list of creations who can attack multiple targets?

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There are a few things you can do to avoid being swarmed. One is, as you've said, to use your creations to draw fire. Unfortunately only a few creations, like Plated Bugs, Rotdhizons, Unstable Firebolts and Shock Tralls, can reliably attack more than once per round. Eyebeasts can attack a whole group of enemies, but you don't get those until the very end of the game. To distract a swarm using only your creations, you need a lot of creations, not just one.


The other, better way to counter a swarm is to use Mental Magic. Daze and Strong Daze prevent all enemies from attacking you unless you attack them first for a few rounds. Dominate and Charm will turn an enemy to your side, which means not only that they're not attacking you but that some of your other enemies will hopefully break off their attack on you to attack their charmed ally.

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