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Shaper or Rebel?[G5]

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So this is a pretty generic question, but what do the mix/max powergamers feel is the best approach in terms of having a good rep with the shapers or the rebels? I found that, while attempting to be exclusively pro-shaper my first time through, there were numerous quests that I didn't have access to - the Trakovites, selling shaper papers, etc. My second time through, I turned in the servile for the +1 Intelligence, but have tried to be pro-rebel ever since.


Any thoughts as to what is the 'best' approach? Is there such an approach where I can max out on quests and items?

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No, silly, both sides are wrong. It is we Vlish who are really in control. We use the chaos as a means to have fresh brains to snack on. So long as they keep fighting one another, we have plenty of gourmet grub to go around. Brains scrambled by geneforges, brains scrambled by canisters, shaper brains marinated in delicious panic or doubt.


Both sides exist merely to provide both amusement and nourishment.

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Er, I beg your pardon, but rots are ridiculously easy to take over and control. They have no real willpower to speak of. No advanced thought. They are just empty husks really, animated through shaping, caught forever in an endless state of decay.


Vlish have existed for uncounted ages. We were already ancient when rots were first conceived and came into being.


Of course, couldn't expect somebody like you to know game history... Silly bipedal creature. wink

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˙uoıʇɐuınɹ oʇ pɐəl ʎluo llıʍ ʇı ɟo ɥɔnɯ oʇ ˙ƃuıuosɐəs sɐ ˙˙˙ɹəddəd ɹo ʇlɐs op noʎ əʞıl ʇı əsn noʎ ˙əldoəd ʎouuɐ oʇ ʎllıu ʎllıʍ ʇı ƃuısn ʇnoqɐ oƃ uɐɔ noʎ uɐəɯ ʇ,usəop ʇı 'op noʎ ɟı ¿noʎ op ƃɐʇ uʍop əpısdn ʇsod ɐ dılɟ ʇəɹɔəs ɹədns əɥʇ ʍouʞ ʇou op noʎ ʇnq 'səʎ

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This is the most... something topic yet on G5. Good job?


—Alorael, who thinks it's slightly easier to be pro-Shaper and get good rewards because you can get Rawal's stuff without harming your reputation. By late in the game, though, all factions are more or less equal. It's not even really worth the effort to power-game them.

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What is this 'we' stuff? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?




Originally Posted By: Agent redemption
Originally Posted By: Delicious Vlish
Why do you think vlish have tentacles? They go up your nose to slurp out the delicious gray goo.


Really? I always suspected it was for shaper porn....errr...not that I watch shaper porn or anything...


Vlish have been known to watch human appendage porn.

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Originally Posted By: Agent redemption
Really? I always suspected it was for shaper porn....errr...not that I watch shaper porn or anything...

Vlish were outlawed in Shaper porn about five minutes after the first person tried it. The whole telepathy thing, you know.

Originally Posted By: Mythrael
if vlish can give advice, i'll apreciate it

Only the mods are able to use HTML.

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Actually, human appendage porn is an old joke I made many moons ago, when Geneforge was bright and shiny and new. And it has since become a slice of humour for the old regulars. So it pretty much has everything to do with Geneforge.


It has been a running gag through out the whole series, along with the location of vlish n— never mind.

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Originally Posted By: Uber Ur-drakon
Let's stay away from the porn topic; after all, what the heck does it have to do with Geneforge?

Quoted for truth.

Human appendage porn may be an old topic here, but it's clear that some of our newer members may not be able to handle it. Perhaps it should be retired to the Krazy Kwilting Korner.

—Alorael, who may have just made things worse.
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Originally Posted By: If vlishes were wishes...
I've had this signature since I started posting on Spiderweb in March 2001. Actually, I've used it longer than that on earlier and defunct forums, but it was on Spiderweb that I started using it constantly rather than for effect. Opinions of the gimmickry range from tolerant to enraged.

—Alorael, who...
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Um, no. Alorael is a Moderator with a high post count, has used the "Alorael, who" thing for eons now, and regularly changes his Displayed Name.


Not to be confused with Slartucker, who is stealing Alorael's gimmick. Name and all.


Also, you don't have to respond to every single post. Just a thought.

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