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Cure Affliction costs 10 energy and 1 essence; it's even cheaper than Minor Heal. The amount of healing you'd have to do after waiting for it to wear off would cost much more. Sometimes you have to cast Cure Affliction twice if you have a lot of poison or acid on you, but even then it's a bargain.

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The low level healing spells are so cheap and have such high utility that they're not only worth buying (or rather, necessary to buy), they're worth buying twice to get the level up as much as possible. Yes, a little more healing is worth a few hundred coins.


—Alorael, who doesn't think G5 is really a penny-pinching game if you're making careful purchasing decisions. If you don't intend to ever shape a creature or cast a spell, don't buy it. Your savings will let you buy plenty of everything you really do want.

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Originally Posted By: Rotdhizons in my longjohns
—Alorael, who doesn't think G5 is really a penny-pinching game if you're making careful purchasing decisions. If you don't intend to ever shape a creature or cast a spell, don't buy it. Your savings will let you buy plenty of everything you really do want.

Conversely, if you do want to shape a creation, you may as well buy two levels in it. An extra experience level on a creation is a more meaningful power boost than an extra power level on a spell.
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The Trakovite Haven? Astoria's little operations and the Shadow Road? I'm not sure what DV means and I don't remember rewards.


—Alorael, who thinks there is enough storage space and enough ways to spend cash that you can also not hit the gold cap by leaving some loot unsold. You'll definitely want the money later for when the more powerful spells and creations are for sale at utterly ridiculous, or at least slightly expensive, prices.

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Originally Posted By: If vlishes were wishes...
The Trakovite Haven? Astoria's little operations and the Shadow Road? I'm not sure what DV means and I don't remember rewards.

There's an agent in Mera who gives you a bunch of gold and a Physician's Charm for ratting out the Trakovites. I'm not sure if this prevents you from joining them.
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'H' for healing craft? I would do that... but I only know essence infusion, group heal, and minor heal. I cannot BELIEVE— I apologize for the all caps, but I'm on quick reply, and I can't do italics— that I don't have heal of major heal yet. But they cost too much, and I'm saving up for three levels of Rotghroth. Can anyone tell me where I learn create Gazer?

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Originally Posted By: Uber Ur-drakon
Well, yes, but I want to buy 2 from Olipha (or best-priced teacher available) and one from someone else.

It dosen't work like that.

Originally Posted By: Uber Ur-drakon
'H' for healing craft? I would do that... but I only know essence infusion, group heal, and minor heal. I cannot BELIEVE— I apologize for the all caps, but I'm on quick reply, and I can't do italics— that I don't have heal of major heal yet. But they cost too much, and I'm saving up for three levels of Rotghroth. Can anyone tell me where I learn create Gazer?

Based on the trainers guide, Drakons and Gazers can't be trained. You have to use canisters to get them.

And useing quick reply is certinaly not a good excuse.
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Originally Posted By: Uber Ur-drakon
Well, yes, but I want to buy 2 from Olipha (or best-priced teacher available) and one from someone else.

If you've already bought two levels from someone, the only way to get more levels is with canisters.

To make italic text, enclose it in i and /i tags, like this:

[i]italic text[/i]
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Questions about where and from whom to learn things are exactly what Strategy Central (and this post) were made for.


—Alorael, who recommends learning all about UBBCode by hitting the various text types in the full reply window and then looking at what gets added to your text. It's fairly intuitive.

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Originally Posted By: *i
To get italic text do, [i]italic text[/i].To get boldface text do, [b]boldface text[/b].

Again, these should be for emphasis and not abuse. Never should a whole response be bold or italicized.

No never?

Hardly ever..!

(Please forgive this sudden spot performance of "Pirates of Pentil" brought to you by Geneforge Theatre.)
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