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The pylon quest not working? (still not working)


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I tried browsing through the subjects but there are way to many to go through. I took the starter quest for pylon where you the crystal and it takes you to the fort and you get the new bag of crystals to use for future reference but no matter who I talk to the quest never gives me a complete? Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? Does the game need to be registered in order to get the next group of quests? Or is the save file faulty? Whats going on here and why won't the quest finish? If you know why I'd love to hear an answer >.<!!

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The quest doesn't end because you have many, many pylons to insert crystals into on your long journey through A5. Don't worry about it; it'll just sit up there on your quest list for a long time.


—Alorael, who would only be concerned if you can't find anything else to do. You should eventually get orders that send you past the end of the demo.

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No, I don't think that that is correct.


The quest says:


The Pylon Lesson.


"Before you can behin your work, you need to be able to use the pylon system. Go insert the cyrstal the general gave you into the stone pylon. Then use the pylon. Once you know how the portals work, return to the general for more orders.


The pylon is near the stairs up to the level where you met the general."



There is a BIG star over the pylon and even though i've gone through it, talked to everyone on the other end, killed the shades in the basement, if I return to the general, and ask him what he wants me to do he tells me to go use the crystals on the pylon.


What you're telling me doesn't make any sense. What is the trigger that causes him to give me the next chain of events and causes the quest to complete or at least change?

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This sounds like a bug (and it looks like someone else had the same problem). I'd go back and talk to everyone again (including General Redmark), just to make sure you didn't miss anything.


If it still doesn't work, then you can either start over or use the fix given in the linked thread. (Of course, you're so close to the end of the demo you're not missing out on anything by being unable to complete this quest.)



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