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New Harston Quests - Rat Bounty/Courier Satchel


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So I have two problems right now....


1. I stupidly accepted the rat bounty quest after I had already killed the Rat Lord....I thought that after accepting I could just go to the mayor and it would give me the reward like it had been counting anyways but I was wrong. So how do I clear this quest from my list? Can I just kill 20 miscellaneous rats?


2. I found the courier satchel in the goblin cave but I haven't received the quest from Minister Pilhofer...how do I get him to give me this quest? I have the anama letter quest from him, do I need to complete this first?


Thanks to anyone that can help!

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Originally written by Sir Dikiyoba:
1. Supposedly, the rats in the Rat Lord's lair will respawn.

2. If you've done enough of the other job board quests, then the quest to retrieve that satchel will appear there. Dikiyoba isn't sure how many need to be done.
Oh I didn't know the courier satchel was a job board quest...I'll go check that out when I'm playing and I'll check out the Rat Lord's cave again.

Thanks so much!
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Okay so the advice didn't work frown


1. Have been back to the Rat Cave and no rats are to be found..have stood on all 3 runes again too. Is there a way to mark this quest as complete?


2. There is no more posts on the job board. I have done the Message: Gladwell quest, Lowlands Slime quest and Package: Harkin's Landing quest...I believe those three were on the job board, but no other quests have appeared. Maybe I need to complete the rat bounty quest first?


Any more help / advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Originally written by Azuma:
Any quest should work fine.
There is no more quests on the New Harston job board, I took all four of them and have completed 3 of them (the Rat bounty quest is the fourth which I have not completed).

If I complete the Rat bounty quest (how?) maybe the courier satchel quest from Minister Pilhofer will appear?
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Okay, try this. Back up your save game in case something goes wrong, then shift+D to bring up the cheat box. Type in sdf 60 2 23 exactly. Then talk to the mayor. Hopefully, that will complete the Rat Bounty quest. (And if it works, credit goes to Ishad Nha for figuring out how the quest works.)



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Yay it worked! Thank you so much, that Rat Bounty quest was really bothering me...next time I play I'll make sure I don't accept it after I've already killed the Rat Lord and his pests.


After I talked to the Mayor and completed the quest, the Courier Satchel quest appeared on the job board and I was able to get rid of the satchel I've been carrying around in my special items for forever.


Thanks again!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally written by readnbead:
I've had the same problem, having done the quest before actually taking the job. I've typed in the code, but get this error when I do so: "Error: attempted to change out of range Stuff Done Flag". Any clue as to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
There are several ways to get 1 or more quests for this. Goodman Wulf, Mother Alice, maybe mayor or mayor via jobboard.

Who gave you the quest you can't finish?
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This is the mayor's quest the "rat bounty", which unfortunately I grabbed off the job board AFTER I had already killed the rat lord and received the reward from Mother Alice. Like the orginal poster, the problem is that I have already completly cleaned out his lair of all rats--so I can't get the bounty and I'd like to get rid of that quest in my quest list. The code that worked for the orignal poster doesn't work for me; instead I get the error message I posted. --thanks

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Originally written by readnbead:
This is the mayor's quest the "rat bounty", which unfortunately I grabbed off the job board AFTER I had already killed the rat lord and received the reward from Mother Alice. Like the orginal poster, the problem is that I have already completly cleaned out his lair of all rats--so I can't get the bounty and I'd like to get rid of that quest in my quest list. The code that worked for the orignal poster doesn't work for me; instead I get the error message I posted. --thanks
Here's what you need to clean this up by script editing:

code =

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Originally written by readnbead:
At the risk of sounding like I don't know how to do script editing...how do you do script editing? Is it just simple text editing the file "z25Tharstondlg.txt" listed in the post? Thanks! (Always ready to learn something new!)
A general good idea. Check the job boards everytime you go in a town.

For clarity: There is 1 Rat Lord quest/job and a Rat Bounty quest/job. And 1 or 2 rat/Rat Lord quest related ones. Did you talk to Goodman Wulf, Mother Alice and the Mayor? I think there are just these 3 quest givers. 3 quests/jobs.

On some Job Board Jobs/Quests you can be unintentionally penalized by running loose and doing things (like killing someone, or a job/quest item early). This is not happening so much with newer games. If combo of the SDF code and editing doesn't fix it, ouch.

Try this if all else fails.

You can learn by editing your 1st script. Go here: http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=0004 77;p=2

Note: This is a script edit that's convenient. It's not necessary to edit the script file involved in many cases. Try this, finish your quest, then go back to remove what you added to Thorgalds. Keep this sign in mind for future fixes. smile
Hopefully helpful!
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