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A4 mass non-appearing items in containers bug

Mea Tulpa

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On a lark, I started playing A4 again with a fresh copy of the Universal Mac version. Everything went fine until I got to Fort Draco. Then (following a quit and reopen between playing sessions) every container -- cabinet, chest, pot, etc. -- that I looked in was completely empty.


This has now continued through the Draco farmlands, all the Draco mines, and Tolliver's hideout. I know I'm not just forgetting that there were three entire zones with vacuous cabinets.


It also doesn't play a sound on opening a container for the first time, though I can't remember now if it used to or if I'm just thinking of G4.


If I go back to earlier areas, everything that was in containers before is still there. This is really strange, and fairly disconcerting. The game has been behaving normally otherwise.


SW/HW specs:

MacBook / 2 GHz Intel Duo / 1gb ddr2 sdram

OS X 10.4.6

Avernum 4 v1.0.3 Universal Binary (registered)


The files in the Data folder don't show any obvious signs of distress, i.e., they are all there. I've been playing off the hard drive with nothing else running.

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Nobody has reported this problem, and, since the game has been out for months and finding no items tends to get peoples' attention, I suspect it's not a bug.


Uninstall. Trash the game files (except for the saved game folders). Redownload. Reinstall. Go back to a saved game from before the disappearing items happened.


Also, did you use the return to start cheat? I've heard that that can cause this problem. I thought I fixed that bug, but maybe not ...


- Jeff Vogel

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