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Could someone mod a data file for me ?

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You'd have to change the graphic files. Save the graphics you want to replace somewhere safe and then save the graphics you want in the Data folder under the same name as the graphic you were replacing. Be warned that this is untested and unsupported territory, so I don't know whether it would work perfectly or screw everything up.



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Fyorae are nearly identical, but in G3 they have a few green stripes on their back whereas in G2 they are pretty much pure red. However, if you really want the new Fyorae, you can just copy all of the Fyorae graphic files from the G3 folder into the G2 folder and accepting any prompts to overwrite the old ones.


Artillae are exactly the same in G3 as in G2.


Thahds in G3 take up a differently-sized box. You'd have to copy and paste each individual picture of the Thahd, which probably isn't worth it. That's too bad, because it has the greatest number of changes.


Serviles are exactly the same in G3 as in G2.


Clawbugs gained an icon in their death sequence, but otherwise they're identical. However, the G2 death sequences have more change in them from beginning to end; they're probably better.


Roamers are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Vlish are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Ornks are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Spawners underwent some serious remodelling, as you might have noticed. The widths of the spawners are greater in G3, as well as the shape and coloring. The changes made are up there with Thahds.


I'll finish the others later. I have to go somewhere now.

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Turrets are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Serviles with swords are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Battle Alphas are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Pylons are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Glaahks are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Shades are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Non-Shaper mages are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Non-Shaper warriors are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Drakys are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Rats are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


Townsmen with blue shirts are exactly the same in G3 and G2.


I'm going to stop there. It's pointless to continue this. Post exactly which creature graphics you want ported, and then someone will help you.

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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
You'd have to change the graphic files. Save the graphics you want to replace somewhere safe and then save the graphics you want in the Data folder under the same name as the graphic you were replacing. Be warned that this is untested and unsupported territory, so I don't know whether it would work perfectly or screw everything up.

Tried that before. Doesn' seem to work. frown

First, I also want to have the graphics of G1 replaced.
I know G2 and G3 have almost the same graphics, but turrets for example look a lot different in G1. Worse, to my mind.
Small changes like one death picture more or less aren't important for me.
I just want to replace Graphics in G1 and G2, that are completly different in G3, for example the shapers and guardians, thads, turrets, ...

Of course, I own registered versions of all three games and finished all at least three times.
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