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Geneforge Cheats

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Yes, yes..pros know this, noobs know this, heck, everyone playing Geneforge knows this..you can cheat in Geneforge..but sometimes it just goes plain irritating..


I'm re-playing G3..I'm already on Dhonal Isle as a Shaper..but I want to start over..again..but I don't want to cheat anymore..Is there anyway to disable cheating? Resisting the temptation is just not enough..


I do mean the "Shift-D" cheating..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally written by Necro-Master:
But it is your fault that you posted here. Maybe if you had anything useful to add, but Nalyd can't see anything to that effect.
Dude, get a life. Replying to a nine-day old post on the front page hardly counts as thread necromancy by most measures yet here you are throwing a hissy fit over it, pretending to be a board Admn.

Also, referring to yourself in third person (if that is, in fact, what you appear to be doing) is so 90's.

If you want to complain about "content", my beef is that there's no way to reproduce the "showmeall" cheat in any games prior to GF3. That cheat is a must for any completionists (like moi) who need to massacre everything hostile on the map.
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