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what is cheat code for getting coins?

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Originally written by Dragongirl:
I think there is a cheatcode for more money in G2. What is it in G3?
WOW... you need money? I finished the game with almost 20,000 coins. It was that low because I had purchased some training from Krykh (sp) before heading to Spears.

Most of my training was in the healing crafts, but I think I purchased a few shaping techniques.
I finally finished the game using no creations, no canisters, few enhancements and only Alwan by my side.

Now, I shall try to go back and finish G2. Man, it seems tougher than G3! eek
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everything i've heard about parry in GF2 is that it was way too good. once it was high enough, you had a 50% chance of getting them with their own attack (if melee). failing that, you have a 50% chance of simply blocking the attack. failing that, you have a 50% chance of reducing the damage.


which means, a 25% chance of taking damage if in melee, and only a 12.5% chance of that being full damage, or double those against ranged attacks.


and, as i understand it, that assumes they are able to hit you in the first place.


how exactly does that make the game more difficult if you have high parry?

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Originally written by Jaid:
how exactly does that make the game more difficult if you have high parry?
Maybe it just seems the rogues are tougher than in G3. Possibly because you have to fight so many of them alone, whereas, in G3 you have Greta and Alwan through the first 3 islands (depending on which side you play and other factors).

Anyway, I won't keep this going as this is not the G2 board.

Thanks for responding tho. laugh
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As others have mentioned, Parry isn't nearly as good in Geneforge 3 as in Geneforge 2. In other words, it's merely a decent skill instead of one that completely breaks gameplay for one class, and thus throwing all your skill points into it is ill-advised. Either way, it's reasonable to go for around 15 parry by the endgame, but how fast you go for it will differ.

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no one. they have a value of 0. doesn't matter how many you have, they never add up to being possible to sell (unless it's like the trowels, and some rocks *do* have value).


of course, you are welcome to prove me wrong onm that (i've hardly checked every single rock i've come across, but as far as i can tell, they have no value whatsoever. i presume they were put in the game just because Jeff thought it made sense that there would be rocks all over the place. of course, for some odd reason you can't throw the rocks it seems... go figure).

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The top area of this thread board has some scripts to download that make one of the signs at South End turn into some kind of character editor. If you're desperate for money, just download those scripts and replace the old ones, and just get to the South End sign to activate some instant gamer-made cheats.


Word of caution, back up the old scripts before putting in the new ones in your GF3 Scripts folder.

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Originally written by Jaid:
no one. they have a value of 0. doesn't matter how many you have, they never add up to being possible to sell (unless it's like the trowels, and some rocks *do* have value).

of course, you are welcome to prove me wrong onm that (i've hardly checked every single rock i've come across, but as far as i can tell, they have no value whatsoever. i presume they were put in the game just because Jeff thought it made sense that there would be rocks all over the place. of course, for some odd reason you can't throw the rocks it seems... go figure).
I think it was fairly obvious that we were being sarcastic about it. Everyone that has played any GF game knows that rocks have no value whatsoever. Now, I can understand that Jeff would put rocks in the game. Yet creating a cheatcode for it? Niceeee
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i thought it was fairly obvious you were being sarcastic too. however, it looked like some people were actually taking it seriously =P


although, it would be kinda funny if there was a quest to bring someone 2,000 rocks or something silly like that =P the reward could be a bunch of stone blocks (which, as i recall, are also completely worthless... but i can't really think of any other reason to gather rocks. but then again, neither am i a game designer)

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Originally written by Jeros:
The top area of this thread board has some scripts to download that make one of the signs at South End turn into some kind of character editor. If you're desperate for money, just download those scripts and replace the old ones, and just get to the South End sign to activate some instant gamer-made cheats.
I'm using this on my second time through. And it makes the game so much easier to play...my first time through, I collect everything I can sell in each area to get the cash I need. Honestly, I think gathering and selling stuff takes at least as long (maybe longer!) than actually playing the game...it's just really tedious. Clear an area, then go through every corner of it AGAIN gathering items to sell, making several trips because my pack gets full. Ugh.

Now I just go to the sign, fill up on cash, and go about my business. I pick up nothing I don't need. It makes playing so much easier, and I don't feel guilty because having played through once without cheating I know that there is enough cash out there to buy everything I could want; I just don't have to actually go through the tedium of picking up and selling stuff.
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  • 4 years later...
Originally Posted By: Warmaster Kahrikkis
tip:if u want more money without getting a trainer to mess up the gsme try to modify the scripts.
if u'll find in gf3itemschars the "rock" just modify it's value and charge,so u can have a lot and sell them at high value. Just tryed t and worked.

Here's how to edit the rock value, if you feel so inclined:

1. Right-click on the G3 icon
2. Click "Open file location"
3. Open the scripts folder
3.5. !BACK UP YOUR gf3itemschars.txt FILE FIRST!
4. Open the gf3itemschars.txt file
5. ctrl+f and search for "rock"
6. You should see something like
begindefineitem 190;	import = 0;	it_name = "Rock";	it_graphic_sheet = 2;	it_which_icon_ground = 2;		it_which_icon_inven = 3;	it_variety = 11;	it_value = 0;	it_weight = 10;	it_charges = 1;	it_extra_description = 22;

(That's taken from the G5 files, so G3's might be different.)
7. In the line "it_value = 0;", change the 0 to 4000.
8. Save the file
9. Open Geneforge 3
10. Find a rock
11. Sell it
12. You should get 1000 coins for every rock sold.
13. Repeat as necessary until you have as much money as you want.
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