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Geneforge 1 - 8.62 (9.5/8.0)

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Bad : The gameplay could be a bit more balanced at times, some puzzles are a bit too hard in my opinion, one of the areas becomes 'unclearable' if you destroy a power spiral, there are still a few bugs/things that were not implemented/things that are not completely logical.


Good : Pretty much everything else.



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As the original, it gets rated higher than the sequels just because it is different from everything that came before it and is very inventive as well. It has fewer features than the later games, but I actually prefer fewer features (to a point). The option to use the Geneforge is a huge advantage over the other games. It was fun and I'm still trying new strategies. I'm still trying to figure out what Jeff was planning for that nest in Pentil Woods, though.


Overall, Dikiyoba gives it a respectable 8.5.

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It introduced a totally new system that I loved at first and got bored of towards the end. (On the other hand, it was at LEAST as good as a FF-game in this respect.) The plot wasn't half-shabby at that point since we had only seen it once.


I'm tempted to knock it down a bit because of how unbearably crappy its sequels would become, but I won't.



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