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Essence shield


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Anyone else have a problem with the essence armor spell?

According to the description, it's supposed to boost your health a bit in addition to giving you some protection. Now I can't say one way or another about the protection (so tough to tell), but I don't get any health boost. frown When I got to essence armor, I got a real nice boost, but nothing for the essence shield.


Anyone get this to work properly, or is it a bug?

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I know about augmentation. The point is that according to the spell description I should get a bump in HP. The description for essence armor is "like essence shield, but stronger" and I DO get HPs for that spell.


So what gives? Is ess shield glitched, or am I reading something wrong. "Shields a single target and increases its health..." seems pretty straightforward to me.

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  • 2 months later...

Is the spell utter useless?

It doent even reduce damage taken.

I only tested physical damage though.

Stone skin seems give a minor damage reduction,

but not even as good as protection.

Essence shield doent give hp bonus as it supposed to do either.

So it seems completely worthless.

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I don't use Essence Armor or Essence Shield very much becaues I've found them to be completely useless, and it just sucks away essence needed for bigger and better spells. Steel Skin I've found to be very handy, usually coupled with Augmentation and just regular Shield.


Oh, and trying to avoid being damaged as much as possible. That always seems to help! laugh

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I think the stats for creations work differently than for the player. At least, the base stats seem to.


Think about this: a Battle Alpha is considered to be a pretty dumb creation. Yet my lvl 24 alpha with only the basic 2 points into INT and no gained levels, is as inteligent as my lvl 40 shaper. So essentially, all of my high level creations ought to be able to shape and cast spells better than I can.


But adding a point of strength still gives my alpha a 5% better shot at hitting something. And a point into dex makes it harder for rogues to it. Similarly, a point into your shaper's dex will make harder for you to get hit. In GF3, this progression seems to be pretty linear until you get to pretty high levels in things -- i.e., if the point into a creation's dex gives it a 5% better shot at dodge, a point into your dex will do the same.... now, if your dex is a 2, then you're going to get hit a lot. But if you even increase it to a 3, you'd get hit 5% less.


(note: I don't know how much the percentage chance to get hit changes with each point of dex, 5% is just an example.)

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Originally written by Schrodinger:
Essence shield and armor both increase your dodging ability, but do not reduce the amount of damage taken.
This is a nice bit of information. Now that I know what it does, I'll have to use it accordingly. Using it on Alwan also sounds like a good strategy, as I notice he gets hit an awful lot.
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