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Mechanics of 'Dominate'

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Dominate has always been my favourite spell, due to the fact that it has the potential to do the greatest amount of damage to one target.


However, I'm curious as to the facts and figures of how 'Dominate' operates.


If you add one point into mental magic, spellcraft, or gain a skill point in Dominate, how is:


1. The duration affected? How is the duration in rounds calculated? Is it relevant to the opponent's level, and their mental resistance? How is this calculated?


2. The chance to hit affected?


3. The chance to successfully charm affected?


Perhaps these questions are a bit too technical. However, there are some pretty sharp chaps on the forum who have looked at the mechanics of certain skills in the past, and perhaps they know a bit about this.

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Dominate has a base effect of 1-3 and an effect per level of 1-3 (from the scripts). How that translates to chance to hit and duration, I couldn't tell you. You might be able to figure it out by making lots of comparisons with other spells, such as Daze (1-2 and 1-2, a good measuring rod for spell success as it's pretty consistent and we know it is based directly on enemy level) or War Blessing (1-2 and 1-1, so a good measuring rod for duration). Good luck, though.

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