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*Terror* Vlish

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Is it just me, or has the terror vlish really lost its terror? In GF1 and GF2 the Terror Vlish was a creation to be reckoned with. I found that I could make a quick dash to gain the ability to make them at the begining and then they more than sufficed until I could replace them with dryaks or gazers. An amazing (and cool looking) creation has been horribly degraded. It no longer causes terror (the spell). A terror vlish no longer causes terror! Yes, I understand that many did not enjoy having their enemies constantly flee, but if you don't like it use a different creation. The attack is now pure poison damage. This means many foes now take little to no damage. And the graphic even had its coolness stolen!


Why, Jeff, why? Why did you take such a great creation and crush its greatness?


On the topic of creations...


I am still only part way through on my first time, but, from what I gather, there are no new creations that you can make. Is it true?! Did Jeff actually decide that having 6 new kinds of tree was a better idea than a single new creation?!

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About the terror vlish, it seems almost as if Jeff wanted to expand the amount of creation ability repetoire, but figured it was too much work or something. Some creations now actually have 3 defined abilities instead of only 2, but you can only access the first 2. The terror vlish is one of them. Perhaps if you forgo giving them the 2 intellgience, and set them on their default AI, they would use their terror attack - but I wouldn't count on it.

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The terror vlish still has its "terror" ability though, so you can't say much about that. Also there is a terror vlish that walks around in the roamer marsh and carrys a belt of strength yet he didn't carry it when I was guardian? it was wierd, so I was stuck with the girdle, I've only played the demo version, its great though.

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