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Dialog bug


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I'm not sure if this is old news, but I think I've found yet another bug in BoA, namely this: if you set up a dialog with only a first and third dialog option, the third dialog option returns the number 2 instead of the number 3 when one uses run_dialog().


This is what I mean:


     reset_dialog();     add_dialog_str(0,"1, 2, or 3?",0);     add_dialog_choice(0,"1");     add_dialog_choice(1,"2");     add_dialog_choice(2,"3");     print_num(run_dialog(1)); 
Choose dialog option 3, and it prints the number 3. However:

     reset_dialog();     add_dialog_str(0,"1, 2, or 3?",0);     add_dialog_choice(0,"1");     add_dialog_choice(2,"3");     print_num(run_dialog(1));  
Choose dialog option 3, and it prints the number 2.


This seems like a particularly malicious bug because one could have a dialog option that may or may not be available depending on a flag, and the resulting run_dialog would return an unexpected number.


The workaround, of course, would look something like this:

     reset_dialog();     add_dialog_str(0,"1, 2, or 3?",0);     add_dialog_choice(0,"1");     if (get_flag(5,25))          add_dialog_choice(1,"2");     add_dialog_choice(2,"3");     if (get_flag(5,25))          print_num(run_dialog(1));     else          if (run_dialog(1) == 1)               print_num(1);          else               print_num(2);  
But this seems excessive to me.
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