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What do you guys think?


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What do you guys think about a scenario that has EVERY outdoor special encounter be a town? So for example if you were to stumble upon a camp of troglodytes, you would get a description (something along the lines of blah blah blah you see troglodytes) and then as you move closer it flips to a town for the actual battle. (so instead of killing them, and it says you find some gold or a wand, you have to actually find it) I mean in almost every situation too (besides finding herbs) like say you find a corpse on the outdoor screen, then you would be transported to town, and have a little maze of trees/caverns/ruins to find the corpse and actually retrieve anything from it. I will probably implement this anyways because I think it would make the scenario different at least (dont you ba^&%#ds steal it mad ) but I would like to know what you guys think about it, and whether or not it would bother/please/suprise you.

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It would become tedious after a while if not done very well. The reason you don't describe everything is that you want to cut out the mundane to speed up the scenario so it is more interesting. The only way to counter this is if you hid a lot of extra stuff in some of the encounters. Also, too much explanation sounds like lecturing. You don't need to explain most things unless they are unique-- a fort is a fort, a dark wyrm crystal spiral might use some explanation.

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The explanations would be the same length, the battles themselves would take place inside of a town. I think it would be an interesting twist. Most people are so involved in the large parts of the scenario that most the time they forget about the smaller parts. I personally believe that a scenario is made from it's detail and it's plot line. Not the plot line alone.

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Detail is a double edged sword. Too much detail is a bad thing. One, it makes it too hard for the designer to finish. Secondly, it can seriously bog down the player if it is repetitious.


For instance, your corpse maze is probably a bad idea, unless you do something really good with it. If the amount of explanation and implementation will be the same, just skip it. It only adds to file size at really no benefit at best, and annoyance at worse.


Remember, more is not always better.

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This would be fine for certain encounters; the ones that are more important or the ones that you think should deserve an unusally large amount of attention. But don't put too many of these in or people will be annoyed.


If implemented correctly, it will be a nice change from the same kind of outdoor encounters over and over. I think I shall steal your idea now.

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