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Custom Items/Graphix... Oui.


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It's my first scenario and I'm making a couple of custom items (handgun and ammo– for what reason I don't know) and I'm utterly clueless about how the damn thing can read the graphics correctly. And I'm still wondering about what the icon adjustment is. (it_icon_adjust = ???) Any help would be appreciated.

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"it_icon_adjust" is how you want the game (BoA) to interpret the graphic that you choose. If you played the sample scenarios, you saw some color variants of some different graphics, or they were darker, lighter, tinted, inverted, color-swapped, etc (or a combination of a couple). That's what that it is. It just doesn't show up in the editor unless you also use "it_ed_icon_adjust". If it is not called or left at -1 I believe that no adjustment is made. (Similar calls are "cr_icon_adjust", "fl_icon_adjust", and "te_icon_adjust".)


(This information is dependant on whether I have read the instructions correctly.)

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Icon adjustment is, btw, really unpredictable. The only way to know what is happening is to make the thing, put it in a scenario's custom object script, go into the editor and place the object, and enter the scenario and see it.


For an example, do that with this code:


begindefinecreature 247;

import = 35;

cr_name = "Blue slith warrior";

cr_icon_adjust = 1;


begindefinecreature 248;

import = 35;

cr_name = "Red slith warrior";

cr_icon_adjust = 128;


begindefinecreature 249;

import = 35;

cr_name = "Slith ghost warrior";

cr_icon_adjust = 64;


You'll get some idea of the power of icon adjustment.


EDIT: I hadn't tried it_ed_icon_adjust or any of its siblings, though, because somehow I neglected to notice that they exist. My suspicion is that this will give some idea of what it looks like, but not always a great one.


EDIT 2: Also, Couch, don't triple-post. Edit instead.

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Originally written by Kelandon:
EDIT: I hadn't tried it_ed_icon_adjust or any of its siblings, though, because somehow I neglected to notice that they exist. My suspicion is that this will give some idea of what it looks like, but not always a great one.
Actually, the only ones (that I see anyway) that exist are fl_ed_icon_adjust and te_ed_icon_adjust (floors and terrains). Presumably, that's because those are used on the mini-map. But for items and creatures, looks like we're stuck with only seeing what it looks like in game.
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