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what the heck is wrong with this script

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This is what I have written down:




begindefineitem 450;


it_name = "Book";

it_full_name = "Foobar's Map";

it_variety = 21;

it_floor_which_sheet = 1014;

it_floor_which_icon = 5;

it_inventory_icon = 6;

it_ability_1 = 207;

it_ability_str_1 = 10;

it_value = 10;

it_weight = 10;

it_identified = 1;


Note: This part is in the scenario script.


beginstate 10;

large_draw_pic_dialog(500,"A map Foobar drew. Somehow you are not surprised.");



I have the picture saved in 400x400 256 color bitmap as G500, in my folder. In the scenario, every time I press the button to call the state, no picture or dialogue comes up. No error appears either, it just says, "Use Foobar's Map."


This worked in another scenario I played around with, but it isn't working here. What the heck is wrong?

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