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ATTN: Error in default door.txt script


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There is an error in the following code provided for the door.txt script.


  	if (((cur_terrain >= 14) && (cur_terrain <= 17)) || ((cur_terrain >= 50) && (cur_terrain <= 53))){   i_am_open = 1;}
It does check for the two types of walls, it does not check for alternate open walls (i.e Fence Doors #174)


I had to make the code as follows in order to make it work for all open doors.


  	if (((cur_terrain >= 14) && (cur_terrain <= 17)) || ((cur_terrain >= 50) && (cur_terrain <= 53)) || cur_terrain == 174){   i_am_open = 1;}


Actually, editing the default door.txt was probably a bad idea as I might later change terrain 174 to something else. So I made a fence.txt script instead and made it the default script.

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