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What articles would you like to see?

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As you've all probably noticed, Drakefyre and I are locked in an article war. I'm one ahead of him at the moment. cool


But hey, while we're churning them out, we might as well help out as much as possible. If there's some aspect of design you'd like to see illuminated, post here and one of us will be onto it and typing up an article before you can say "pack of ravenous wolves".


Also, it might be interesting to see what everyone's favourite articles are so far. smile

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A couple of good articles on dungeon design already exist at the Designer's Forum.


Dungeon Design, by Alcritas


The Evolving Role of Dungeons, by Drizzt


Custom graphics - I think Tim Farland had a guide to making custom graphics, but it's probably gone now. frown


Atmosphere - Tough one! It's a somewhat intangible thing, could be pretty hard to nail down in an article. I may give it a shot, though.

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There is a custom graphics database for BoA called The Louvre, which also has a guide to creating custom graphics yourself. It's not like easy to create graphics even with a guide, but it's still better than a article if you want to try it out. I'll put a link here.


The Louvre - Creating BoA graphics


Draw a lot of graphics and have fun! laugh

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I have read the two articles about dungeons, interesting. They aren't technical at all and could apply to BoA. But ok they quote BoE examples.


About one advice I read, "Make sure there are at least two interesting events or encounters per level...". Well after to have play few Reamlz, Neverwinter and even Warcraft 3 RPG user made scenario, I'd say that the best is that everything should relate to story (not necesseraly the main plot of central subject wink ). Any fights, any action, any puzzle, any places, any quest should have a story or have a bit of story wich is a part of a story.


In short put scenary and sense everywhere and avoid throw in your scenario anything without scenarized it and gives it sense.

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I just want to say that an artical war should be avoided do to the fact that it might turn the articals into nothing but wasted space in an efort to get one more artical then someone else.

I would much rather have a few really good articals then alot of bad ones.


Just remeber that the articals are for those (AKA: me) that need help in getting their great idea out in a way that is fun for everyone.


Don't loss focus and keep up the good work all you artical writers.

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Yeah, messaging was one thing I had thought about, but by all means, have at it. smile I think there are plenty of subjects to go around. Like "faking" item descriptions, making a new type of container, various forms of creature AI, repurposing graphics, special encounters... the list goes on. smile I'm sure some people might even like a tutorial on dialog that depends on the state of a SDF, or some other of the things that seem simple to the "code jockeys" among us.


That first (faking item descriptions) may be what I tackle first, unless someone would really like to see something else.

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Originally written by The Creator:
Atmosphere - Tough one! It's a somewhat intangible thing, could be pretty hard to nail down in an article. I may give it a shot, though.
That would be great. Some remarks about this article but this time before you write it.

EDIT: Deleted in to put it in a different topic.
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Originally written by Tentacle Monster:
This could easily be an article, were it not for its poor English.

IIRC, however, you are not a native speaker (thus making your rants coherently is a large plus). I would nevertheless suggest that you use an English spellchecker on Microsoft Word.
Rather than spending hundreds of dollars on software you don't really need, there are plenty of free spell checkers:

Unfortunately, Vent's writing suffers more from grammatical problems than spelling. Just out of curiosity, what is your native language? I can tell it's not German (I can usually recognize typical German->English idiomatic mistakes), but that's about it smile
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Well I tried to follow your advices to use a tool for spell and grammar checking. In fact yes there wasn't that much spelling error. About grammar, I used word and well it didn't detect a lot of stuff. At least it forces me to rewrite some sentences but my goal was just to cheat it not to write right sentences, something it didn't learned me. laugh


So did it really worth the sweat? I don't believe in it because those sort of tools are far to be very efficient.


I didn't resist to add some more into this already long post, oops. eek

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