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Disappointments in the editor


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I don't know if it's too late to change anything, and I can't remember if this was mentioned before, but a big disappointment for me is the continued existence of those menus to select monsters with: it's a real pain to select it from a menu when you could have a big visual picker like the terrain one, and menus are a general pain.

It would be nice to have the selector in a floating window or something as well.

Also, the outdoor section selector annoys me, having that numerical input when it would make more sense to select it from a grid.


Of course, I'm probably too late frown

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There probably should be a movement to add some improvements to the editor -- but let's wait until Jeff most of the bugs out of the main program first.


Personally, I want a tool that allows me to click on a square and tell me the x,y coordinates of that square. Relying on this "center square" stuff is annoying.

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Originally written by Walker White:
There probably should be a movement to add some improvements to the editor -- but let's wait until Jeff most of the bugs out of the main program first.
I agree. Plus we should wait until the Windows version of the editor has been released so that any changes we make can easily be added to that one also. wink
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