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Queens Wish 2 Ice Naga keeps glitching


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Mac OS, QW2 1.0.3


On my second playthrough -- had the same problem on the first-- it has to be a bug?  When I do the Pit of the Ice Wyrm part 1, it's fine. I go back to Etzalam, speak to Umita again, who tells me that the problem has come back; I go to the mine, talk to Conglins, who tells me the same and to talk to his daughter. I do and all she does is go to sleep- the second part won't trigger. In the first playthrough I got help from Randomizer, who said it was finicky, and after many (and I do mean many) walks back to Etzalam to talk to Umita again & going through it all again start to finish, making sure I was physically in the room, I finally got it to trigger. It's doing the same now on the 2nd playthrough & I have gone through every conversation option, have the whole party in the room, have backtracked to Etzalam again and gone through everything again-- it still won't trigger. I can't believe this is intended to be this finicky and I have to clue what is wrong (can't figure out what it was last time that I actually did differently when it finally triggered either-- it seemed kind of arbitrary- I just got stubborn enough to keep doing things until I got lucky). Very frustrating.



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I finally got it to work again. My best guess is that you have to actually complete all conversations, all the way to the point of "that's all" instead of just stopping the conversation. It seems too finicky-- it definitely makes things frustrating when they shouldn't have to be. And that finicky to me qualifies as a bug.


I have to say, I really like this game, but between this and the also crazy finicky nameless library sentinel (how long SHOULD it take to get him into that exact spot in the center of the circle?) I'm starting to wear down on it.


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