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Exile III no spellcaster run

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I've finally decided to try a challenge run in which I have a 6-PC party without any Mage or Priest skills. I wonder if it's even possible to win, but I guess I can use the editor if I end up blocked off because I lack some spell - like Move Mountains.


I've just started clearing out the goblin cave - the goblins and wolves aren't too bad, but that single Chitrach is a thing of nightmares... Also need to find more arrows. A lot more.


I'll try to update semi-regularly, if anyone's interested. Wish me luck!

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21 minutes ago, Edgwyn said:

The lack of move mountains and dispel barriers may be an issue.  Piercing crystals dispel barriers, but I do not recall if they work on the rock piles

Pretty sure the crystals don't work on rock piles. They do work on magically locked doors in Exile I, but not sure if it's still true in Exile III. Hopefully yes, as I don't know how an Anama playthrough would work otherwise.
I also don't remember if Ritual of Sanctification is needed for completing the Troglo/Giant quest.

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Cleared out the goblin and bandit lairs, though I couldn't get the bandits' treasure yet because I couldn't open some doors. Remains to be seen whether they're magically locked or if I just need to invest more in Lockpicking.


Now working on the Slimes. I know I'll need Fireball from somewhere, but am still trying to find someone who sells either scrolls or wands of fireball. Anyone remember?


On 9/20/2024 at 4:01 PM, Celtic Minstrel said:

Wasn't there a different crystal that casts Move Mountains?

Not that I know of, unless it's a hidden side effect of Piercing Crystals or some other magic item that I've never heard about.

Maybe something like that exists in Avernum?


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5 hours ago, Fireball Fodder said:

Not that I know of, unless it's a hidden side effect of Piercing Crystals or some other magic item that I've never heard about.

Maybe something like that exists in Avernum?


Hmm… it's possible that's what I was thinking of. I even checked the Blades of Exile base item set, and didn't see a "shattering crystal" or anything like that, but I thought I remembered using such a crystal in one of the game. I'm not confident it was Exile rather than Avernum though.

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From what I remember of the graphic, Shattering Crystal was an Avernum item. I think it was part of the use once a game day class item.


I didn't see any similar item in the list of items in the third walk through where there was a long list of items found in the game.

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7 hours ago, Mea Tulpa said:

There are wands of fireballs in the Shayder sewers and Golddale mines.

Thank you. I did find the one in the sewers, but had to cheat myself a couple of Piercing Crystals to get it. Namely, one of the ways into the sewers is behind a magic lock and the other is behind a cracked wall, which I can't get through without Move Mountains.


In fact, I've already found so many magically locked doors that I decided to just give myself a bunch of Piercing Crystals, as getting them normally would just be too tedious.

It more than confirmed the common wisdom that the Lockpicking skill is essentially useless.

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17 minutes ago, Mea Tulpa said:

I believe Magic Lockpicks allow you to open magically locked doors using regular lockpicking skill.

I thought they were just a better version of lock picks. Although I never kept track of magically locked doors to compare using the different lock pick types. 

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6 hours ago, Mea Tulpa said:

I believe Magic Lockpicks allow you to open magically locked doors using regular lockpicking skill.

Not sure about that, I think they can't but I will check it out.


I guess a way to get Piercing Crystals early would be to join the Anama, as they sell them to members for only 50 gold. But that does require a hazardous trek across the Isle of Bigail - Cockroaches are much more dangerous when you don't have Cure Disease.

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On 9/26/2024 at 6:35 AM, Mea Tulpa said:

Isn't Disarm Traps separate?

It is. Jeff combined them in Avernum (a good design choice IMO).



15 hours ago, Celtic Minstrel said:

Makes me wonder how difficult it is to obtain Graymold Salve… either the recipe and skill to make it, or a shop that sells it.

According to the Hint Book (still have it!), the recipe is sold in Lorelei and Ghikra, so you can get it early.

The potion I don't really remember seeing for sale, though I'm pretty sure you can get Dust of Cleansing somewhere.

Edited by Fireball Fodder
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