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Avernum 5 - where does it take place?

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Well. Just wondering ...


it's a lot different part of avernum than in other games (well... avernum 3 is mostly on surface and upper exile/avernum, so...)

Ok. There is "bargha' in a1 a2 a4 a6 and in A5 - 'Bargha gates'. Is it somehow connected to bargha?


Just curious how would the avernum world with 'connected' maps looks like.... :)

Is it under, over, next to, or what? The caverns of A5 and the others?

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The opening areas in A5 are on the maps of the other games, more or less -- it's the northeastern Abyss (around where Harston was in A2) and Northern Waters areas.  Then the rest of the areas are new areas that branch off of those, which aren't in the other games.

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