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Infestation: OVERRUN - massive G2 mod (v1.02)

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Infestation: OVERRUN updated to v1.02


New download link: Download here


Please follow the installation instructions in the first post in this topic (which also explains the mod).  You can see this post for a more complete list of mod changes.


Changelog for v1.02:

- v1.02: Integrated all base game v1.02 changes

- v1.02: Reverted base game v1.02 rotghroth nerf

- v1.02: Lowered base level for drayks, fyoras, artilas, and searing artilas to compensate for base game v1.02 Innate Haste buff.  (They are still better than they were in v1.01 even with this adjustment.)

- Enhancements to PC melee: PC sword attacks received a modest boost to help them compete with Overrun's missile attacks, to create a specialized build option, and to recreate some of the feel of OG1's QA/Anatomy Guardian, which eviscerated things when it did get into melee range.  PC sword attacks now receive a small chance to crit based on the PC's Quick Action skill: 5% for every 2 points of QA, up to a maximum of 30%.  (Note that crit is only a 1.5x multiplier in GF2, so this is only up to a +15% bonus on average.)  As a side effect, QA also adds to die quantity for PC sword attacks.  There are now at least 3 viable solo Guardian builds (melee QA; missile Dex; and Feisty Slap Strength).

- Overrun Bugfix: Purifying Blade now requires 20 canisters to max out rather than 10, as intended in Overrun v1.01

Overrun Bugfix: The book formerly called "Wild Adventure" no longer causes a crash on the Mac version of GF2.  (This was due to strings having a smaller size in the Mac version.  The flavor text has been truncated to comply.)

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  • Mea Tulpa changed the title to Infestation: OVERRUN - massive G2 mod (v1.02)
Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Triumph said:

"PC sword attacks now receive a small chance to crit based on the PC's Quick Action skill: 5% for every 2 points of QA, up to a maximum of 30%.  (Note that crit is only a 1.5x multiplier in GF2, so this is only up to a +15% bonus on average.)  As a side effect, QA also adds to die quantity for PC sword attacks. 


I will respectfully ask for a clarification of the above. I don't have the mod but I was thinking guardian (missile guardian actually) for my next game. 

I do not understand the part about "1.5x multiplier in GF2" and the 15% bonus on average. 

I would also like to know if QA adds completely to the dice of swords. I.e. if someone with QA 4 will add 4 dice to the sword. 

Edited by alhoon
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Critical hits deal 1.5x damage in GF2 (and most Spiderweb games going back a long time now), so if you crit 30% of the time, your damage is 15% higher on average versus never critting.


And yup, QA now adds 1 die per point to sword attacks.  I'd have preferred more crit and less of that, but I wasn't able to find a reasonable way around the die increase, so I kept crit low instead.

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So it is a high initiative Str/Melee build that you made, using extra damage directly from QA to offset the additional damage taken from approaching enemies vice having them approach you, and likely taking most of the QA points from Strength.


I still believe high initiative is a suboptimal move for melee singletons. If this is the only change to support that style, it might be enough extra damage output. I'm not sure. And of course you can simulate low initiative by simply taking a few steps back and popping a pod. 


That's all I was asking for.



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Really looking forward to playing this Mod. Currently working my way through a guardian playthrough, really enjoying the weapon shaping feature. Think that was a genius and well balanced addition on Jeff's part. 


Next playthrough I'm gonna use this Mod and play as a Shaper, really looking forward to the team building possibilities now I'm not limited to one shaping class while still being optimal. 

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52 minutes ago, Lorn said:

I'm thinking of replaying the game. And I can't see a single reason on why I should not add this mod. Do you have any? 

Considering this mod was specifically made for people to enjoy variation in the replay, I think you should. 

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Posted (edited)

I can't even say "WRONG" because I actually compared most files and you did a hell of a job. Thanks for releasing this. 


Edit: would you kindly explain why nerf the sword so much?

Edited by Lorn
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The sword isn't "nerfed" at all.  It is delayed.  The maximum power is the same, it just needs 20 canisters to get there now instead of 10.  There are a kazillion canisters in the game, and no character actually cares about all of them.


Why delay it?  Because it's the strongest raw damage weapon in the game, and you could get it to max power crazy early.  It single-handedly made most other melee weapons irrelevant for actual melee characters for the bulk of the game.  IMO, variety is good; but one thing being better than everything else is bad.

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I guess.


I kinda think 20 is a number too high :P

If you asked me why 10 was chosen, I would say that the purpose was to avoid Guardians feel neglected in raw damage during mid to late game compared to shapers (that can easily pump up shaping) and agent (that can go full magic).

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You seem to be ignoring the other melee buffs, which are rather more significant than this delay.  Melee is stronger in Overrun compared to the base game, and the overall game balance is quite different.  If you actually play through the mod, you'll have a much better basis to judge all these things based on, versus wild assumptions.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Lorn said:

I guess.


I kinda think 20 is a number too high 😛

If you asked me why 10 was chosen, I would say that the purpose was to avoid Guardians feel neglected in raw damage during mid to late game compared to shapers (that can easily pump up shaping) and agent (that can go full magic).

Mid to late game? For 10 cannisters? That is true perhaps for Cannister junky characters only. 
I mean, why would a Guardian use canisters of spells he will never have the magic to use? Also, low-tier creation canisters like Vlish or Roamers or Thahds ... those should go to feed the sword. 



45 minutes ago, Ess-Eschas said:

However, do be sure to respect the wishes of the original creator. Playing around with your own personal copy is absolutely fine, but making things publicly available is another matter. Particularly when the mod-creator – as Slariton has here – has made it very clear that they don’t want that to happen.


I think part of the issue of the mod creator in question is that this lovely mod is not a large gathering of individual changes but one change feeds to another. 
What I mean is that, as Slariton explained, melee has already been buffed. Enemies have changed. Changing the blade back to 10 is all fine until someone comes here and says "LoL, overrun's melee is completely bonkers, the guardian is doing imba amounts of damage!" OR "Meh, it is clear the modder doesn't like missile-based characters since melee is now the only viable path" based ... on "a slight change" the user made to the mod. 

Edited by alhoon
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Posted (edited)

I will be making a lot of notes and publishing them later - if you find them interesting.


In the meanwhile,

1) the first thing I would like to report is the following: https://imgur.com/a/tz0nYC9

2) Why do you use "they" for the plant rather than it/he/she? 

3) The scout (zora) is always "encumbered" when attacking. What's the reason? Also, when improving leadership, to get her level updated, do I need to go back to city or do something in particular ?

Edited by Lorn
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Well, that's slightly embarassing.  Guess I had some placeholder text get left in in the dialogue.  Thanks for the report Lorn, I'll work on a fix!


Re Zora, I'm not sure what would cause that and I don't see anything I've touched that possibly could.  I will keep looking and see if I can duplicate it.


For Leadership, you don't yet have the ability to do that.  Shanti explained this, the codex does as well.

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I see the 6 AP / Encumbered issue and am working on it.  However, I'm unable to duplicate the "not fast speed" issue.


Randomizer, is there any chance you recruited her after the base game updated to v1.0.2 but before you reinstalled the mod?  I set her speed when she's recruited and I don't see anything that could bypass or change that.

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It was version 1.0.1 of original game and your mod.


I really only noticed when I was going over half a zone length, like in Drypeak Mine going from an entrance to the storeroom in the west quadrant. Maybe it ws using the same speed as an oink or slightly faster.

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Not sure how that could have happened.


On the encumbrance thing... oh wow.  


I always figured the dropped items some entities have, were just generated when you kill them.  Nope.  Apparently they are generated when the entity is created... and the game actually gives that entity all the stats from them, and even tracks encumbrance!


This is amazing!  This may actually open up a few opportunities to do some other fun things with creation types.  This is going to result in a v1.0.21 for sure.  For now, sorry about Zora's encumbrance.  And thank you, these were the most fruitful bug reports ever!

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41 minutes ago, ex post slarto said:

I always figured the dropped items some entities have, were just generated when you kill them.  Nope.  Apparently they are generated when the entity is created... and the game actually gives that entity all the stats from them, and even tracks encumbrance!

After the discussion with Jeff on whether luck affected item drops, I was under the impression item drops were just a random chance out of a script of items and probability for each one. I never thought this was how it was done. It does explain why reloading within the zone doesn't change the outcome.

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FWIW, I believe it was this way in BoA, too? Inventories were generated when a character was created/spawned (though it was limited to a few items, and I don't believe they contributed to stats but I may be wrong). 


Might be wrong, because it's been a couple decades 😅, but kinda makes sense!

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Posted (edited)

Finished this mod. I would say that it bumped my enjoyment of the game quit a bit. Suffice to say the portable bed, the double walking speed and the charm effect applied while having stuff on the pack was good.

Okay, what I found great is that I was actually happy to use Drakon this time. I don’t know if you’ve changed them, because I haven’t checked the atlas as you asked me to, but Drayk were boring compared to their big brothers.

Said this, I’ve got a couple of suggestions:

1) You can bring a lot of charms with you and inventory starts to get polluted really a lot. A cool thing would be a way to merge the same type items so they give the total bonus (like 2xgirdle of leadership) and infiltrator items being merged in one same type. You would spare a lot of inventory.


You could make charms be in the special items tab (I found that tab in the end), so it would be really less inventory polluting.

2) It would be cool to have a npc you could bring all the items you are now unable to sell. Actually there should be a hermit/npc that you could give items, receiving gold in exchange and bumping/lowering the PRO-SERVILE, PRO-SHAPER value according to who you ask him to deliver the items.


3) The helix ring should have more upgrades. I couldn’t justify using it over Ring of the eye.

Fully charged helix ring has the following properties:
+30% faster creation cooldown
+10% to melee and magical damage
+10% to creation magical damage resistance


Ring of the eye:
+30% to curse resistance
+30% to creation mind effect resistance
+10% to creation hit chance


I would go as far as to say that you should be able to improve it via using all the infernal and mandrake roots item you find to get a really cool pro-shaper ring. Basically, make it possible to get the ultimate shaper artifact.

In reality, maybe the same treatment should be for the others artifact too, but I found them all so underwhelming I simply didn't care about any rechargeable artifact. 

4) I don't know if the Thornstalker quest can be defined as a true quest (I mean - does it have an ending?), but I delivered her a lot of darts and I was able only to get her to make one baton. I don't know what are the further rewards, but the quest seems to be (as for reward and ability to finish it) a worse quest compared to the iron one. 

5) The items gifted by the leaders when you join them are not that interesting.

Thanks for the mod, I enjoyed it (I still didn’t find the roamer shrine :P )

Edited by Lorn
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Really glad you enjoyed it Lorn!


Thanks for the suggested additions.


FWIW, your points 1, 2, and 3 have absolutely nothing to do with this mod.


Point 5, and your drayk confusion, would be addressed by reading the codex.  It's a little weird to complain about things, where you have refused (repeatedly!) to read the mod's own explanation of how it works.  I don't really know what to tell you.


Point 4 -- Thornstalker's quests are absolutely completable.  I've actually gotten a lot of positive feedback about them.  They definitely do require exploring all over the place to find enough thorns.  There are 4 separate thorn quests (all listed in the text log, as I have now pointed you to three times :)) plus a final reward for completing all of them.

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#3 Jeff changed during testing and it's mostly Jeff wanted it useful but not too powerful. He also adjusted the Purifying Blade and Essence Eater to try and balance them.


Frosted Amulet seems the best since the huge fire resistance helped so much in the Taker Lands.

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Unfortunately, the Helix Ring and Frosted Annulet upgrades are completely hardcoded, so there's no way to mod those.  (At most, I could have the anvil replace them with non-hardcoded versions, but that would remove any chance of using their unique effects, which are the only interesting things about them.)

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after finishing this mod I started G1, and damn, the walking speed is so low. You sure you won't release a:
- double walking speed
- leadership and mechanics item always being charm

for G1 Mutagen? 

I would gladly appreciate it.

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