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Wait, My Decisions Mean NOTHING?


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I was so very eager to get rid of Governor Yvette!  I wanted to get rid of her the instant I met her, but Miranda wouldn't let me get rid of her until I'd been further north.  So, okay, I finally fought my way far enough north, found Abelin, then returned to Miranda to tell her to get rid of Yvette and put Abelin in her place.  I went back to the governor's hall, and not only was Yvette still there, but she told me smugly that she wasn't leaving, and I couldn't make her.


I waited to work on the sick forest until I'd gotten rid of the rapacious governor, thinking that might make the forest feel better.  But when I make a decision, nothing actually changes!  Why am I even here?


I thought this game was supposed to be one where I made choices, and those choices mattered.  Hrmph.



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Appointing a new governor isn't immediate. It's like how US elections take place in November but the offices don't change until January. Yvette smugly believes the Queen will rescind your decision by the time she has to go 



That does not, in fact, happen. She gets canned for good. Also the decision impacts something important later in the game.


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