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How to Manually Edit Saves + NPC Skill Trainer Question (GF2)

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  1. What program should I be using to manually edit saves? I am currently using Windows and have tried Notepad and Notepad++, I used to play on Mac so I don't know if Windows saves are in a different format, because when I tried to open the save files in those programs, all I get is a massive window of weird characters (I've also tried borrowing my brother's Mac and load the saves using Text Editor, which is the app I used before when I used to play on Mac OS, the same issue occured). Has something changed over the years (I haven't edited any saves for nearly a decade) or am I doing something wrong?
  2. Assuming I manage to open my save file, my question is: Assuming I accidentally put a point in Strength (meaning NPC will only let me buy 1 level instead of 2) and I want to be able to use an NPC skill trainer later on to buy those 2 levels in Strength, if I edit the save to give myself back the characteristic points and reduce the Strength back to default stats, will I be able to buy 2 levels or am I still stuck with 1 level?
Edited by DrunkAnton
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Is that so? It must be something new because I used (like 10 years ago) to edit Geneforge saves all the time using Text Editor on Macs and never had issues.


I've already restarted twice so I'm not really inclined to re-do the entire quest chain+exploration for the sake of my obsession with roleplay.

Edited by DrunkAnton
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You can edit files, but depending upon the text editor it may insert characters that corrupt the file. There should be a really old topic that mentions this problem.


Windows save games for Geneforge 2 are different from the Mac version. Only some recent games use the same format to make them interchangeable.


You really need advice from a player that has edited the save game files.

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Ah, Slarty just beat me to it!

To elaborate on what has just been said, you should be able to make the changes you want by editing the game's scripts. These scripts control almost everything, so they're a very powerful way of adapting your character. At least at the moment, there seems to be more knowledge about this than editing the save files – although it's interesting to know that it is possible to do so!

Thankfully, you might not need to learn scripting in order to make the changes you want. Some members of these forums have used script editing to create editors for Spiderweb's games that allow the changing of the player's stats, money items etc.. This might be the best place to start for now. For instance, you can download an editor for Geneforge 2 from this topic:


If this editor doesn't do what you would like it to do, do say. As long as you're not looking for something too complicated, I or someone else on the boards might be able to work up a quick editor file for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Geneforge save file format (unlike the scenario data) is not publicly known (at least to my knowledge). Editing it would require a hex editor (for example, Hexplorer), but I checked the files in a save game folder and there's not really anything that would be reasonably possible to edit without knowing the exact format of the files.

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