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Geneforge complete missile build?


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It mainly depends upon difficulty level with the harder the difficulty, the less you may complete. But you should be able to complete all of them if you remember to purchase the better missiles and other items before changing factions so you can no longer buy from those merchants. The hardest part and you should have multiple saves at different points is when to upgrade to the next weapon so you can minimize damage taken because you kill them in one or two shots. I used batons mostly and crystals for extra damage against swarms.


GF2, I forgot to get missiles to finish off one minor area. GF3 is unfinished on the last island so I don't know for sure,  but should be possible. GF4, I don't remember. GF5, is possible and as Delicious Vlish once said, "Reapers." What was meant as a zone where you followed a narrow path to avoid Reaper bushes is actually a really nice source of them.

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19 hours ago, Vinlie said:

Is it possible to beat the game completely relying on missiles, such as batons, javelins, and crystals? They're limited use weapons so are there enough missiles to completely beat the game?


You could always mod javelins to be unlimited (as in "I pick it back later!") or increase the number of thorns the lower batons have while leaving the others the same or many other nice things...

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