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Fine meal?

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The next time you're in a town, drop it on the ground and walk/run back & forth across it a few times.  That will help grind up the grain a bit further.  Finding an actual miller would be best but I don't think there are any so you have to make do with what you've got...


Leaving the bags out on the streets in Lorelei is another option.  However the chances of a random rock thrown by a giant hitting that particular spot is pretty slim.  However if it does then it would be done all at once.


Shayder has a couple of beggars wandering around who'd probably be glad to work on it if you were to provide a mortar/pedestal & a couple of gold coins/day


So there are options, none of them great but there you are...

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From what I remember they will take 'normal' meal (a look through the a3itemschars.txt file only turned up one entry, "bag of meal") though you will have to take the them out of your junk bag if that's where you were storing them.
Will the hungry drake eat your bags of meal? I was only able to turn in about 40 some bags.


Edited by Kennedy
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I don't think the hungry drake takes anything inedible (i.e., cures you of hp dmg). And since bags of meal took only a single slot, I didn't put them in my junk bag. I don't really understand the issue w/ the merchants not taking your bags of meal; unless you have them in your junk bag??

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If the 'interesting options' are what I mentioned... I was kidding.  The only thing that you need to sell to them are the big bags of meal that are all over the place (as they stack, keep them out of your junk bag).  They only buy a limited amount of them (40-50?), but they will buy more than their limit if you sell them all at once.  So if you 'really' need the cash right away, don't sell them more than 25-30 & then come back late in the game & dump the other 60 on them.  Or just wait until later in the game & sell them the 80-90 big heavy bags of flour that you've been hauling all over the place for months.

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