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Wishlist for A2CS/A3RW?

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Given its proximity to the empire controlled lands, will the freehold of Kyass be playing a major role in the upcoming rewrite?

there were already a couple cities that didn't play a major role in avernum/exile 2, so i guess the answer is maybe. some possible answers:

no major role, because the empire invaded it and it's a major base that we can't enter. major role because it's a major base we can enter. major role because kyass is putting his problems with avernum aside for the time being, or at least sees the empire as just as much of an enemy. major role, but only because the empire took it over and decided to change its name to harston.

Just thought of another wish for Avernum 3 ... I'd like an alternate good ending, like in 1, 5 and 6. An ending where you bribe the people controlling access off Valorim to let you past so you can just get the heck away from Avernum and the Vahnatai might be nice. So might one where you decide you agree with Rentar's plans and totally destroy the Empire.

i want to say this is impossible, but 4 had an ending where you didn't have to kill rentar, so i guess anything is possible, after all. i can't think of anything really better than the canon ending, though. maybe some bad endings if you pick the wrong guilty party.


as for myself, i'd like to see a return of hostile1 and hostile2. it's not something that'd be used often at all, but seeing archers from 2 cities at war with each other (i think spire and bargha in 4, but my memory might be off) seeing each other...and then shooting only at me..just kind of bothered me. i might just ragequit if the zombies and empire soldiers in that one fort in avernum 2 don't fight each other just as much as they fight me. other than that, more new magic items.

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One thing I really enjoyed about Exile 2 was the duel with Limoncelli. I'm interested to see how this is done with A2CS. Dreading that Torment run when he gets 3-4 attacks per round.


For A3RW, I don't really have one thing I'm ready for, I'm just ready for the whole game! I have more memories of that game than most of the other spiderweb series combined.

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I'm really curious how the different races will work in the remake. He seems to have done away with experience penalties, so I wonder if slith/nephil characters will have disadvantages in other ways.


Well, the other possibility would be to give some kind of advantage to humans, instead of just the absence of disadvantages.

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Well, the other possibility would be to give some kind of advantage to humans, instead of just the absence of disadvantages.


I hadn't thought about that. What kind of advantage would a human have? Maybe the equivalent of having the negotiator trait for every human in your party or something. Or maybe they could be better at magic since slith are the strong and sturdy race while Nephil are the quick and deadly ones. Only problem with that is it encourages racial specific builds and puts you at a disadvantage if you want to play a slith priest or something.

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