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Avadon for Android - Comments


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A few comments:


1) Why is Android not mentioned on the Spiderweb homepage at all? I would have no idea that there was an Android version of Avadon. This is a travesty!


2) I got Avadon for Android in an indie bundle some time back and have been waiting to get a tablet to play it. I got a Nexus 7 for Christmas and have been playing it every day since. It works wonderfully. The 7 inch screen does produce some false clicks occasionally but it way better than the carpal tunnel I was getting on my PC with so many clicks!! (I have it on steam also) So anyway - happy customer.


3) Please tell me that there are further Android releases coming. I have at least 3 Avernum games on steam and Avadon but now that I've played it on a tablet, I can't go back. I would buy an iPad if I could but its too pricey for me. More droid!!

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Mostly covered in the other thread, but...


1. Good question! It's a missed sales opportunity.


2. Great!


3. Probably not. The sales don't justify the work or cost. Humble Bundles might happen in the future, which could mean more Android ports, but other than that Jeff has no current intention of porting.


—Alorael, who is sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings. Sometimes you have to warm up the ol' desktop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You'd think that Jeff would realize that naming two series with words that start with "Av" would be a bad idea. When Avadon 2 comes out, we're going to have to start talking about AN2 (for AverNum) and AD2 (for AvaDon), to distinguish between the two and fit with our GF (GeneForge) and NG (NetherGate) system of adopting capitals from syllables.

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