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Cleave Mechanics?


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Originally Posted By: RaustBlackDragon
That's not the case though. Here's the layout:


X = my guys

Y = enemy

O = empty space






Y is attacking the top X and the lower X gets cleaved.


I've also seen cleaving where the cleaved character has an empty space between themselves and the originally attacked character. I've seen it happen with both my attacks and enemies' attacks.

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A patch isn't very likely, but you could try emailing Spiderweb Software with a report and see what happens. You might at least get a confirmation of whether it's intended behaviour. Make sure to specify what platform you're playing the game on (Mac, Windows, etc.) - sometimes the game behaves in subtly different ways between different ports.

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I think you may be vulnerable to cleaving as long as you're adjacent to the target or the attacker.


—Alorael, who believes he brought this up back in the Avadon beta and was told it worked as intended. The intention was probably for it to be dangerous and painful and not easily avoided.

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Originally Posted By: RaustBlackDragon
That's not the case though. Here's the layout:

X = my guys
Y = enemy
O = empty space


Y is attacking the top X and the lower X gets cleaved.

I believe it isn't a bug. Or maybe it is? I do know bosses have unusual and impossible powers, which makes them cleave anywhere they want. But for a regular spearman? I don't know.
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
It could be that the effective range is 2 spaces rather than 1. I don't think I've seen that happen myself, though.

I think this may in fact be the explanation. I'm not certain, but I think I've seen my shadowwalker's razordisk cleaves hit enemies who were 2 spaces from the original target. I always assumed this was the intended mechanic and not a bug.
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Originally Posted By: RaustBlackDragon
That's not the part I consider a bug actually, it's the fact that cleaves are un-dodgeable that I consider a bug, and the large range simply turns what would normally be a minor annoyance into a big problem.

Ah, yes. I agree with you there - it's annoying that a high-dex character who normally is almost unhittable can easily be hit by a cleave.
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