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Five Factor Personality Model

Mea Tulpa

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Defining evil rigorously is very difficult. Determining whether a particular person or act is evil is also difficult and heavily argued. It's a continuum, and whether things are far enough along to be unambiguously evil isn't cut and dried. But the existence of evil is hard to argue. Few would call genocide, be it Nazi or Rwanda, or even just wholesale slaughter like the killing fields of Cambodia or the protracted mess of Darfur, anything but evil.


—Alorael, who dislikes D&D alignment applied to anything but D&D, most notably because it takes a very particular take on good and evil without really acknowledging that it's quite deontological and, well, odd. For the most part it's not possible to be a consequentialist good in D&D. You can't slaughter a helpless child even if you know with the certainty that only the magic present in D&D can bring that not slaughtering the child will allow a chain of events leading to unimaginable suffering for multitudes. Ditching binary (or nonary) alignment for shades of gray and real moral quandaries is a good thing in gaming. And, to its credit, something Spiderweb embraced early and fervently.

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The debate on the definition of evil has been something that has been a sore topic in philosophy for a long time. Are some things always evil, as Kant suggests, no matter what their circumstances? Is evil in the eye of the beholder, as Nietzsche posits? Are actions evil because of their intent, as the deontologists believe, or their consequence, as the (consequential) utilitarians believe?


Let's imagine an adventurer in D&D who does nothing wrong, per se, while doing classically good things (by the D&D definition) such as killing bandits, defeating necromancers, etc. However, this adventurer always refuses quests that involve saving slaves; we'll say it's because the adventurer is lawful. In fact, the adventurer willingly uses weaponry made by slaves, paying money to slave owners for this gear. Slavery is one of those things most people regard as evil; does the adventurer's actions make them evil, because they're helping to finance slavery?

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Let's imagine an adventurer in D&D who does nothing wrong, per se, while doing classically good things (by the D&D definition) such as killing bandits, defeating necromancers, etc. However, this adventurer always refuses quests that involve saving slaves; we'll say it's because the adventurer is lawful. In fact, the adventurer willingly uses weaponry made by slaves, paying money to slave owners for this gear. Slavery is one of those things most people regard as evil; does the adventurer's actions make them evil, because they're helping to finance slavery?

As far as DnD alignment goes, that sounds like Lawful Neutral. Doesn't care whether the laws are good or evil, just that following them is important. A Lawful Good character probably wouldn't accept illegal slave-freeing missions, but would attempt to boycott slave-made goods and try to change the laws so that slavery is illegal. A Lawful Evil character would probably own slaves and twist or rewrite laws to the Lawful Evil character's benefit.



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  • 1 year later...

You know what we forgot to do this July, everyone? This thing! I saved my results from 2012 and 2013, and now here's your yearly dose of entirely too much information about me!


(Note that this is the same version of the test from when this thread started, and these complaints still apply.)


Looking at the main factors and whatever subfactors changed by more than 15 (in the format 2012-2013-2014):

- Extraversion 0-1-1. Activity level 38-4-0, to be expected.

- Agreeableness 65-70-86. Trust 42-42-79. Morality 29-75-89. Altruism 22-5-13. Not really sure why those numbers changed.

- Conscientiousness 16-22-14. Orderliness 33-63-49. Alright.

- Neuroticism 80-80-64. Anxiety 73-64-55. Anger 14-24-8. Self-Consciousness 89-84-58. Progress!

- Openness 29-19-21. Imagination 61-49-19. Artistic Interests 31-19-50. Emotionality 22-7-6. I may be dead inside, but at least art is neat!



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Sounds about right. I don't think my results have changed since last time.



EXTRAVERSION...............1 *

..Friendliness.............7 *******

..Gregariousness...........1 *

..Assertiveness............1 *

..Activity Level...........18 ******************



AGREEABLENESS..............98 **************************************************************************************************

..Trust....................42 ******************************************

..Morality.................89 *****************************************************************************************

..Altruism.................89 *****************************************************************************************

..Cooperation..............93 *********************************************************************************************

..Modesty..................95 ***********************************************************************************************

..Sympathy.................99 ***************************************************************************************************

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS..........86 **************************************************************************************

..Self-Efficacy............52 ****************************************************

..Orderliness..............96 ************************************************************************************************

..Dutifulness..............95 ***********************************************************************************************

..Achievement-Striving.....56 ********************************************************

..Self-Discipline..........26 **************************

..Cautiousness.............96 ************************************************************************************************

NEUROTICISM................58 **********************************************************

..Anxiety..................27 ***************************

..Anger....................4 ****

..Depression...............98 **************************************************************************************************

..Self-Consciousness.......99 ***************************************************************************************************

..Immoderation.............12 ************

..Vulnerability............68 ********************************************************************

OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE.....97 *************************************************************************************************

..Imagination..............81 *********************************************************************************

..Artistic Interests.......69 *********************************************************************

..Emotionality.............91 *******************************************************************************************

..Adventurousness..........48 ************************************************

..Intellect................87 ***************************************************************************************

..Liberalism...............99 ***************************************************************************************************



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Holy necromancy!


(I want that phrase to ring properly in its rich irony, so please take a few moments to enjoy it.)



EXTRAVERSION...............78 ******************************************************************************

..Friendliness.............74 **************************************************************************

..Gregariousness...........73 *************************************************************************

..Assertiveness............68 ********************************************************************

..Activity Level...........65 *****************************************************************

..Excitement-Seeking.......81 *********************************************************************************

..Cheerfulness.............56 ********************************************************

Your score on Extraversion is high, indicating you are sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people much of the time.

AGREEABLENESS..............41 *****************************************

..Trust....................73 *************************************************************************

..Morality.................7 *******

..Altruism.................17 *****************

..Cooperation..............83 ***********************************************************************************

..Modesty..................8 ********

..Sympathy.................77 *****************************************************************************

Your level of Agreeableness is average, indicating some concern with others' Needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice yourself for others.

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS..........41 *****************************************

..Self-Efficacy............84 ************************************************************************************

..Orderliness..............40 ****************************************

..Dutifulness..............1 *

..Achievement-Striving.....32 ********************************

..Self-Discipline..........63 ***************************************************************

..Cautiousness.............84 ************************************************************************************

Your score on Conscientiousness is average. This means you are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.

NEUROTICISM................12 ************

..Anxiety..................12 ************

..Anger....................2 **

..Depression...............25 *************************

..Self-Consciousness.......15 ***************

..Immoderation.............84 ************************************************************************************

..Vulnerability............18 ******************

Your score on Neuroticism is low, indicating that you are exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable. You do not react with intense emotions, even to situations that most people would describe as stressful.

OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE.....99 ***************************************************************************************************

..Imagination..............63 ***************************************************************

..Artistic Interests.......60 ************************************************************

..Emotionality.............83 ***********************************************************************************

..Adventurousness..........95 ***********************************************************************************************

..Intellect................92 ********************************************************************************************

..Liberalism...............99 ***************************************************************************************************

Your score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating you enjoy novelty, variety, and change. You are curious, imaginative, and creative.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a while since I've last been on these forums, and decided to take this test.






Activity Level-6


Cheerfulness- 6







Altruism- 1


























Openness to experience-33



Artistic Interests-7







I'm not exactly sure what this says about me, but there are a few to many extremes in certain areas for my liking.


Lowest score: Friendliness-0

Highest score: Liberalism-99 (Do I win a prize for this or something?)

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Extraversion: 2

Your score on Extraversion is low, indicating you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You enjoy solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends.


Agreeableness: 99

Your high level of Agreeableness indicates a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative.


Conscientiousness: 43

Your score on Conscientiousness is average. This means you are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.


Neuroticism: 99

Your score on Neuroticism is high, indicating that you are easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional.


Openness to Experience: 88

Your score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating you enjoy novelty, variety, and change. You are curious, imaginative, and creative.


Not sure about the neuroticism one but the rest of the results seem pretty accurate to me.

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Looks like I should forego that run at the presidency....


Extraversion: 43

Nothing really surprising here; I'm not cheerful, gregarious, or friendly, but I do like to boss people around.


Agreeableness: 54

Moral, altruistic, and sympathetic... and I make sure to tell everyone. Also, I trust no one.


Conscientiousness: 41

Achievement-striving of 91 with self discipline 0... I wonder why I haven't defended my dissertation, yet?


Neuroticism: 99

Ummm.... no comment.


Openness to Experience: 99

I wonder how this correlates with neuroticism....



According to my wife, these scores aren't totally inaccurate, but maybe a bit at the extremes.

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..Friendliness.............1 *

..Gregariousness...........16 ****************


..Activity Level...........55 *******************************************************


..Cheerfulness.............2 **


AGREEABLENESS..............59 ***********************************************************

..Trust....................13 *************

..Morality.................41 *****************************************

..Altruism.................7 *******

..Cooperation..............90 ******************************************************************************************

..Modesty..................99 ***************************************************************************************************

..Sympathy.................50 **************************************************


CONSCIENTIOUSNESS..........43 *******************************************

..Self-Efficacy............19 *******************

..Orderliness..............68 ********************************************************************

..Dutifulness..............47 ***********************************************

..Achievement-Striving.....25 *************************

..Self-Discipline..........16 ****************

..Cautiousness.............82 **********************************************************************************


NEUROTICISM................83 ***********************************************************************************

..Anxiety..................92 ********************************************************************************************

..Anger....................42 ******************************************

..Depression...............83 ***********************************************************************************

..Self-Consciousness.......73 *************************************************************************

..Immoderation.............32 ********************************

..Vulnerability............98 **************************************************************************************************


..Liberalism...............90 ******************************************************************************************




The results from openness to experience was horribly innaccurate, so I did not include most of that. There is far more to art than visual representations of things, after all. Just because I wouldn't like to go to an art museum doesn't instantly make me low on artistic interests, silly psychiatrist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is far more to art than visual representations of things, after all. Just because I wouldn't like to go to an art museum doesn't instantly make me low on artistic interests, silly psychiatrist.

Agreed. I am still disappointed that there were no questions regarding music or the *creation* of art. I would much rather go to a concert or paint a picture than go look at paintings in a museum that I may have seen before.



2012 2014 Change EXTRAVERSION 18 16 v -2 Friendliness 30 21 v -9 Gregariousness 25 25 0 Assertiveness 47 19 v -28 Activity Level 21 41 ^ 20 Excitement-Seeking 31 22 v -9 Cheerfulness 12 29 ^ 17 AGREEABLENESS 86 82 v -4 Trust 76 76 0 Morality 71 58 v -13 Altruism 66 38 v -28 Cooperation 89 89 0 Modesty 50 78 ^ 28 Sympathy 88 67 v -21 CONSCIENTIOUSNESS 75 93 ^ 18 Self-Efficacy 49 97 ^ 48 Orderliness 87 75 v -12 Dutifulness 72 83 ^ 11 Achievement-Striving 71 71 0 Self-Discipline 23 75 ^ 52 Cautiousness 82 93 ^ 11 NEUROTICISM 17 8 v -9 Anxiety 0 1 ^ 1 Anger 13 0 v -13 Depression 76 51 v -25 Self-Consciousness 57 66 ^ 9 Immoderation 24 42 ^ 18 Vulnerability 9 4 v -5 OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE 29 24 v -5 Imagination 90 74 v -16 Artistic Interests 50 29 v -21 Emotionality 20 10 v -10 Adventurousness 51 71 ^ 20 Intellect 27 37 ^ 10 Liberalism 0 0 0




Well that didn't work. I'll get an image up later. Kids are whining they have to do homework.

Edited by Balladeer
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  • 10 months later...

Guess what we forgot to do this July? This thing! Again! And not only do I have this year's results, I also have all my results ever graphed here, so you can more easily witness my descent into madness!


Was writing this a productive use of my time? Will anyone here enjoy me bumping a year old topic? Will I end a single sentence in this post with a period? The answer to all three of these questions are a convenient "No!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

The gist of the test tells me:


I am an introvert who seems cold to strangers. I have absolutely no desire to thrill seek. I am very easy to cooperate with and I have a lot of sympathy for others. I scrape by with the bare minimum of work needed and am easily distracted from my goals. I almost never act rashly, I think everything through beforehand several times before making a decision. I'm anxious and prone to suddenly burst into anger when frustrated. I'm self-conscious in social situations and easily overwhelmed. Very imaginative but not adventurous. I'm bored by hypothetical debates and I am very liberal.


Yeah, that's all pretty consistent with what I know about myself. Though some questions were hard to choose an answer, I tend to flip flop between extremely high self esteem and extremely low self esteem, for instance. And I tend to avoid work until the last minute but when I do the work I do a damn good job. Not quite sure how to quantify that.

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Wow, this is still here.




(Previous: http://ermarian.net/resources/ipip-neo/arancaytar-2013)


I haven't compared my answers, but I suspect I haven't changed much since 2013.






Edit: Holy cow, I've changed quite a bit.






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  • 10 months later...

i guess i'm less neurotic now. and less open. and more jobiness? i dunno





So i guess i deleted that image, which was actually the only record i had of the second test soooo...COMPARING TO THE FIRST ONE I DID IN LIKE 2012...





lets see if this image lasts longer than the last

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I'm not sure why I never posted my results to this before, because I sure remember talking it...


Anyway: https://cdn.calref.net/files.calref/12/a9d4f065_IPIP-NEO-Narrative-Report.html



  • EXTRAVERSION: 47 (Your score on Extraversion is average, indicating you are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone)
  • AGREEABLENESS: 97 (Your high level of Agreeableness indicates a strong interest in others' needs and well-being. You are pleasant, sympathetic, and cooperative)
  • CONSCIENTIOUSNESS: 16 (Your score on Conscientiousness is low, indicating you like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized)
  • NEUROTICISM: 58 (Your score on Neuroticism is average, indicating that your level of emotional reactivity is typical of the general population. Stressful and frustrating situations are somewhat upsetting to you, but you are generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations.)
  • OPENNESSL 93 (Your score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating you enjoy novelty, variety, and change. You are curious, imaginative, and creative.)


I feel that Neuroticism should've been higher ('anger', for instance, was only 14?) but I did tick a box saying that this wasn't true or real so it's all okay. :)

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EXTRAVERSION 1 Your score on Extraversion is low, indicating you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You enjoy solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends.


AGREEABLENESS 8 Your score on Agreeableness is low, indicating less concern with others' needs Than with your own. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising.


CONSCIENTIOUSNESS 8 Your score on Conscientiousness is low, indicating you like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.


NEUROTICISM 99 Your score on Neuroticism is high, indicating that you are easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider you to be sensitive and emotional.


OPENNESS 25 Your score on Openness to Experience is low, indicating you like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe you as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative.

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I found this now and took it for the lolz and giggles.


With extraversion at 16, greggariousness at 52 and assertiveness at 3. Most surprising is friendliness at 5.


Agreeableness at 24

With cooperation at 7 and sympathy at 80.

Conscientiousness at 1, with cautiousness at 74 and everything else 1 or single digit,

Neuroticism at 30

With self consciousness at 64 and vulnerability at 15.

I have also 93 openness with 99 liberalism and 53 imagination. The rest starting from 70.


Idk how to post the link this was fun. I always like breaking personality quizzes.



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  • 1 year later...

I know I was the one who posted this originally, but it looks like what Diki pointed out in 2012 still holds -- the results of this particular version of the test are given as percentiles scores for an age and gender grouping rather than for the population in general.  As a result, looking at scores from different members side by side will be very misleading.  It also still does not provide any results unless you pick "male" or "female" which is not great in general and, as we know from the last poll, is not great for SW in particular.


Perhaps there is a better version out there?

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On 10/08/2017 at 3:33 AM, Dintiradan said:

Guess what Spiderweb? It's the Sixth Annual Take the IPIP-NEO Test Day (actual date may vary from year to year)!


Here's my results this year, and here are some ugly graphs.


Just a few minutes ago I was looking at my old results and thinking that it might be nearly time for a new one. So I pop over here and it's literally at the top of the forum. :D

My results are here, and graphed above.


Full diff against last year's results are here. The tl;dr seems to be that I've gotten more active and less depressed, but also less nice. :unsure:







Friendliness    0

Gregariousness -25

Assertiveness   0

Activity Level 31

Excitement-Seeking -6

Cheerfulness    9



Trust          13

Morality       -11

Altruism       -24

Cooperation     7

Modesty        -47

Sympathy        0



Self-Efficacy  -14

Orderliness    -15

Dutifulness    -13

Achievement-Striving 20

Self-Discipline 8

Cautiousness   -8



Anxiety        -17

Anger          16

Depression     -28

Self-Consciousness 0

Immoderation   39

Vulnerability   9


OPENNESS        5

Imagination    20

Artistic Interests 0

Emotionality    0

Adventurousness 9

Intellect       8

Liberalism     -14




(I will try to take the other one soon, but 420 questions in total is too much for one day. :p )

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

You know what we forgot to do last year? This thing! Take part in the Spiderweb tradition of being way too public about yourself! Of course, previous criticisms about this test still hold, but the benefit of repeating the same test year after year means you can see how you've changed over time. Well, at least I can. I should probably pretty up my gnuplot script at some point...



I am morbidly curious about what my 2018 results would have looked like, but suffice it to say they would not be flattering. I'm doing much better now! 2019 has essentially been the year of me dealing with non-major but nonetheless cumulative heath issues one by one, most notably starting on a SSRI in March. And despite being on what my GP describes as "a baby dose", it's made a world of difference. It's not a panacea, but it's something.


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Extraversion: 61.

It's kind of inaccurate because I'm not moderately extraverted at all. I'm highly extraverted to the point that it sometimes becomes annoying to friends, but I'm also autistic, requiring me to take more space than I wish I had to lest I have a meltdown.


Agreeableness: 65.
"Your level of Agreeableness is average, indicating some concern with others' Needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice yourself for others."
This is hugely dragged down by my lack of modesty and trust. Other numbers are highish-to-high. (Deleted?)

Openness: 98.


Neuroticism: 97.
Sounds about right.


Conscientiousness: 22.

Also about right. I know I have abnormally high abilities to do certain things, but I'm not confident. How this relates to my lack of modesty is unclear.

Edited by The Almighty Doer of Stuff
attempt to not look like a huge dum dum
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I think it sounds like I'm bragging... May be the modesty deficit. I probably am bragging; my impulse control and clarity of thought go down the toilet when it gets this late, but I was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep... I suspect I'll get a lecture from my friends tomorrow. I'd edit some out but as I recall there's a full edit history here...

Edited by The Almighty Doer of Stuff
It seems there ISN'T an edit history? Good, I guess.
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(Excitement-seeking and Cheerfulness both 1... sounds right.)


(But Trust 4.)


(But Cautiousness 96.)


(All 98 or 99, except Anger 35 and Immoderation 19.)


(Adventurousness 1, Liberalism 97. Artistic Interests torpedoed to 31 because of my lack of interest in visual art. Sad.)

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Wow, this thing. I've changed a lot since then, mostly in the extraversion section.


..Friendliness 59

..Gregariousness 18

..Assertiveness 2

..Activity Level 41

..Excitement-Seeking 41

..Cheerfulness 50


Plus neuroticism is generally lower, but still high, except for depression.

Last notable thing:

Liberalism 97 lol


So I've basically gone from a depressed wreck to a happy wreck. Woo!

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  • 11 months later...

oh hey 2020 has been a real barrel of fun now hasn't it sounds like a great time for an evaluation of mental health


But seriously, stay safe, stay sane, and *hugs* for anyone who needs them.


(As always, read the rest of the thread for commentary on the validity of this test. Click here for my results this year, and here for the Perl/Gnuplot script used to generate my test history. Which could probably be made more accessible if others are interested in making their own history graphs.)

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On 9/6/2014 at 1:27 PM, Goldengirl said:

Holy necromancy!


(I want that phrase to ring properly in its rich irony, so please take a few moments to enjoy it.)



  Hide contents

EXTRAVERSION...............78 ******************************************************************************

..Friendliness.............74 **************************************************************************

..Gregariousness...........73 *************************************************************************

..Assertiveness............68 ********************************************************************

..Activity Level...........65 *****************************************************************

..Excitement-Seeking.......81 *********************************************************************************

..Cheerfulness.............56 ********************************************************

Your score on Extraversion is high, indicating you are sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people much of the time.

AGREEABLENESS..............41 *****************************************

..Trust....................73 *************************************************************************

..Morality.................7 *******

..Altruism.................17 *****************

..Cooperation..............83 ***********************************************************************************

..Modesty..................8 ********

..Sympathy.................77 *****************************************************************************

Your level of Agreeableness is average, indicating some concern with others' Needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice yourself for others.

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS..........41 *****************************************

..Self-Efficacy............84 ************************************************************************************

..Orderliness..............40 ****************************************

..Dutifulness..............1 *

..Achievement-Striving.....32 ********************************

..Self-Discipline..........63 ***************************************************************

..Cautiousness.............84 ************************************************************************************

Your score on Conscientiousness is average. This means you are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled.

NEUROTICISM................12 ************

..Anxiety..................12 ************

..Anger....................2 **

..Depression...............25 *************************

..Self-Consciousness.......15 ***************

..Immoderation.............84 ************************************************************************************

..Vulnerability............18 ******************

Your score on Neuroticism is low, indicating that you are exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable. You do not react with intense emotions, even to situations that most people would describe as stressful.

OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE.....99 ***************************************************************************************************

..Imagination..............63 ***************************************************************

..Artistic Interests.......60 ************************************************************

..Emotionality.............83 ***********************************************************************************

..Adventurousness..........95 ***********************************************************************************************

..Intellect................92 ********************************************************************************************

..Liberalism...............99 ***************************************************************************************************

Your score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating you enjoy novelty, variety, and change. You are curious, imaginative, and creative.

Extraversion - 36

Agreeableness - 53

Conscientiousness - 24

Neuroticism - 75

Openness to Experience - 88


These are all pretty big shifts from my past score. Years of therapy, cognitive development, and a fancy new gender will probably do that to a person.

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